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North Carolina
just another hopeless romantic with my heart on my sleeve.
Interests: anything artistic. drawing, dancing, writing, photography, reading, the list goes on and on!
Recent Activity
Kaicey added a photo at Post the Love
Jun 26, 2010
No, I can't really read all of it =/
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Aw, this is awesome! Thanks for letting me know so I could see this! =) Looks great, can't wait to see more of it! Love and miss you, hun!!
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Kaicey added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 16, 2010
Christina you are a beautiful person who has been blessed with people who care about you. I know you may not always be able to see that but deep down, I hope you know it. You have spent so much time and effort caring for others... it's time to do that for yourself. I have been in your shoes... shoot, I still am most days... but you just have to keep your head up and realize we go through these hard times for a reason. God has amazing things in store for you if you just keep your faith in that and keep working towards your dreams. Don't give up on yourself... you have so much potential. I hope you find the courage and strength to tell your mom and push through this and any other hard times you may be facing. I know you have already been through a lot.. many things very unfair... but you are strong, you are gifted, and you are amazing. If there is anything I can do- I'm here. I love you dearly, God bless.
I know we are supposted to share love here... but...
I know we are supposted to share love here... but I am asking no begging for love. I am going to tell my mom about how I have been feeling for the past few years of my life. It isn't going to be pretty and I need to know that people out there care.
Kaicey is now following Christina
Feb 16, 2010
Aww... absolutely adorable!
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Kaicey added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 9, 2010
Wow... ok, give me a second to stop the water works so I can post here....
That was one of the most inspirational and touching stories I have ever heard! The generosity of complete strangers always chokes me up a bit. I feel this is what the world needs more.. this love, compassion and caring of those who don't even know a thing about you. One person commits a random act of kindness that makes another want to pass on the kindness to the next.. paying it forward until everyone has been blessed in someway by somebody. I love that you are spreading the message and intend to do the same. I would love to meet that man and shake his hand. Elderly people have so much wisdom.. if only we would take the time to listen rather than figuring we already know it all. Thank you for sharing your story. It lifts my heart and gives me hope in our world again.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a...
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”- Leo F. Buscaglia I am a college student and I work part time at Outback. About six months back I w...
This was so absolutely beautiful. Very moving. I am sorry for your loss. She seemed to be a very amazing person that like too many others, were taken too soon. She was blessed, though, to have friends like you and many others in her life and to be happy. Thank you for sharing her story with all of us. This video gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. May you and many others coping with a loss find strength and comfort in the love that surrounds you.
Heaven has slipped away; but shes' still here.
Kaicey added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 9, 2010
Kaicey added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 9, 2010
Kaicey is now following jenna dewan tatum
Feb 9, 2010
Kaicey is now following Account Deleted
Feb 9, 2010
AH! Hayley!! =) Totally following you, too!
And Tawnie, that song is very moving.. thanks for sharing! I'm gonna download it. I'm still clueless about videos so you're way ahead of me, haha.
I love you, Babypie
Kaicey added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 9, 2010
Aww.. this is beautiful, girl! I have been wanting to do something like this to post on here since I seen Jaime's video but have no idea how to do it. I absolutely LOVE the song (what is it??) and the pictures! You guyz are the hottest couple ever, lol.
p.s.) nothing will ever top those Halloween costumes!! =))
I love you, Babypie
Kaicey added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 9, 2010
Kaicey added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 4, 2010
I have ALWAYS loved this picture. It is so simplistic and romantic.
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That was beautiful. It's actually hard to believe it was a done with a phone and even that adds to the meaning. I believe the music fits as well. This site and the post really bring back the hopeless romantic in me and make me dream again. Thank you for giving that back to me. The collaboration of all these things makes for one beautiful place to spend my free time.
Be stupid
I absolutely love this picture of you two! Absolutely beautiful. I'm sure Ryan would love to see this. It's very heartfelt and beautiful.
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Kaicey added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 3, 2010
Aw... she is so beautiful!
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Kaicey added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 3, 2010
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