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Kristi S (sweetsauer)
Recent Activity
Thanks Sam, I wish I would've had my zoom lens but they still turned out nice considering I was shooting from the warmth of my car!!
Frigid Sunrise
Some mornings I leave for work long before the sun makes his appearance, other days I can catch a spectacular sunrise over White Bear Lake while enroute. Today was one of those days! (Thanks to a super-sweet loaner bag (Coach!) from a friend, I am able to conveniently carry my camera around in ...
The cupcakes were indeed delicious......... would you believe I only ate one??!! Probably because I ate too much for dinner! LOL
Bebe's Birthday Bash
My niece Bianca turned three years old last week so we had a little family birthday party for her at Brian & Michelle's house. I took plenty of photos while practicing with my camera, you ready for them all??!! The birthday girl Bianca posing with Uncle Jeff and Grandpa Jim in their ne...
The photo of Annika did turn out pretty cute.... funny thing is she was sitting there pouting because it wasn't HER birthday..... she wanted to know where all of her presents were!!
Bebe's Birthday Bash
My niece Bianca turned three years old last week so we had a little family birthday party for her at Brian & Michelle's house. I took plenty of photos while practicing with my camera, you ready for them all??!! The birthday girl Bianca posing with Uncle Jeff and Grandpa Jim in their ne...
Glad to hear the meatloaf was a hit!
The Vike's didn't Win....
and I am very very sad. Boo Hoo. The end.
I am still very sad about Vikes losing but excited now for New Orleans. I hope they win!
The Vike's didn't Win....
and I am very very sad. Boo Hoo. The end.
LMFAO!!!!! I didn't say I Liked the song but I still had to post it. He could've made it way more hip but I still thought it was sweet
Purple Pride from the Purple One: Prince's "Purple and Gold"
Most of you know I have been a life-long Prince Fan. I am not the biggest fan of this "Purple and Gold" song but I still had to post it! Here are the complete “Purple and Gold” lyrics: the veil of the sky draws open the roar of the chariots touch down we r the ones who have now come ...
Maybe it will be better once I switch to the new platform sometime this weekend. Otherwise just don't check it through Google Reader, go directly to
Another Random Post....
One. GO VIKINGS!!!!!!! Having some major Purple Pride this week after the Vikes kicked Dallas' butt last Sunday (there is no doubt that Favre is THE MAN and Sidney Rice can catch just about anything)....we are now headed to the NFC Championship against The Saints. If we win this game we are he...
It is nice that we got a raise but it also means that our $25 million in budget reductions is now $28 million to account for the salary increase. It will be a true miracle if I can keep both of my positions next year.
Another Random Post....
One. GO VIKINGS!!!!!!! Having some major Purple Pride this week after the Vikes kicked Dallas' butt last Sunday (there is no doubt that Favre is THE MAN and Sidney Rice can catch just about anything)....we are now headed to the NFC Championship against The Saints. If we win this game we are he...
Thanks Jientje, any tips to get better are appreciated!
Dusty Boy Blue
I think I have introduced you to my shadow before, Dusty the Russian Blue. I tried to catch him sleeping but of course he woke up when I started to take the photos. The blue is very pronounced in these pics..... I had my camera set for Tungsten lighting and this is what I got?? f/5.6 1/20 ISO ...
I took a few photos this weekend but they were all indoor. Oh well, glad I can practice at least!
No, I will not be cutting my hair into a bob or short. Ever. My fat little round face would look terrible!! I will keep it longer but I need to get the layers cut and chop of some of the length...
Random Thursday Stuff
One. It is supposed to get up to 39' today! What a warm up that is from the near 0' it has been for the past month. I am sick of freezing. Two. My dad, brother Jeff, and two of my uncles left for Chile yesterday. Wish I was going somewhere exotic!! I hope Jeff blogs about his adventure! After ...
Good, because I need to learn what to do better
Dusty Boy Blue
I think I have introduced you to my shadow before, Dusty the Russian Blue. I tried to catch him sleeping but of course he woke up when I started to take the photos. The blue is very pronounced in these pics..... I had my camera set for Tungsten lighting and this is what I got?? f/5.6 1/20 ISO ...
Hi Jen,
Thank you for your feedback and explainign the lenses to me a little more. Still unsure which lens I will get first..... the 35mm or 50mm!
Thoughts for Thursday: Advice wanted for new D-SLR camera users (lenses, camera bags, etc)
As a brand-new inexperienced D-SLR camera owner, I have a few questions for those of you who more experienced using cameras! I am looking into various lenses. Reading this article about choosing lenses really explained a LOT. My Nikon D5000 came with a 18-55mm kit lens and I also bought a 55-2...
You're welcome Jules. As I mentioned, I am going to be cooking many more new recipes so I will make sure to take photos and post the recipes when I do! And when you come across easy ones, makes sure to send me links to the recipes as well!
Bleu Cheese Meatloaf Recipe
I don't typically make New Years Resolutions but this year I did resolve that I was going to step out of my boring making-dinner-routine and start cooking at least one new recipe a week. Since I work so late many nights a week, Tuesday seems to be one of the days that work best for me to cook a...
Thank you, Sam!!
PS I handed out "Lemonade Stand" blog awards today and you're a recipient!!
On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 8:27 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
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A new comment from “Samara Link” was received on the post “Photo Banner” of the blog “Mi Vida Ocupada: My Busy Life!”.
You have gotten so good at this photography thing. You're a natural! Your photos are so easy to look at .... not forced or off at all. I love them! Thought about printing them up for sale at all? Your new banner is gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you and your new camera come up with!
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Photo Banner
New year, new banner. These are just a few photos I took in 2009 that I really like (there were many!). Looking forward to an even better year of photography in 2010 with my new Nikon!
Thanks for the tip, Nicole!
On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 9:51 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
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A new comment from “Nicole” was received on the post “Blue Moon on the Last Day of the Decade!!” of the blog “Mi Vida Ocupada: My Busy Life!”.
There should be a button on the top right of your cam with a plus / minus thingy on it.
Go for -5 (should be the max) esp. on a full moon and you get the details better without all the brightness ;)
Love the Portrait of you guys :)
Btw. didn't you have a button here to adopt email replies on comments??? :/
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Blue Moon on the Last Day of the Decade!!
The full moon on December 31st, 2009 was the 2nd full moon in December, making it a BLUE MOON. It was FREEZING cold outside but I braved it anyway (for a few minutes!) to take my new camera and tripod outside to try to capture the special blue moon. Have you ever tried to shoot the moon??!! It...
Thanks for explaining the lenses a little better to me, Denise. I think I will just need to play with each of them and then decide which one I think I would use the most but it sounds like the 50mm is the perfect size since it is right in the middle like you said
Thoughts for Thursday: Advice wanted for new D-SLR camera users (lenses, camera bags, etc)
As a brand-new inexperienced D-SLR camera owner, I have a few questions for those of you who more experienced using cameras! I am looking into various lenses. Reading this article about choosing lenses really explained a LOT. My Nikon D5000 came with a 18-55mm kit lens and I also bought a 55-2...
Thanks for the link to the bag, Lisa! So, a good macro lens is 100mm? That migt be down the road a ways, but I really want one at some point!
Thoughts for Thursday: Advice wanted for new D-SLR camera users (lenses, camera bags, etc)
As a brand-new inexperienced D-SLR camera owner, I have a few questions for those of you who more experienced using cameras! I am looking into various lenses. Reading this article about choosing lenses really explained a LOT. My Nikon D5000 came with a 18-55mm kit lens and I also bought a 55-2...
Looks like I need to find out what the difference is between 35mm, 50mm and 85mm. Man, so much to learn still!
Thanks for your suggestions :)
Thoughts for Thursday: Advice wanted for new D-SLR camera users (lenses, camera bags, etc)
As a brand-new inexperienced D-SLR camera owner, I have a few questions for those of you who more experienced using cameras! I am looking into various lenses. Reading this article about choosing lenses really explained a LOT. My Nikon D5000 came with a 18-55mm kit lens and I also bought a 55-2...
Michelle, can you help me understand the difference between the 50mm and 85mm? What are the advantages of one over the other?
Thoughts for Thursday: Advice wanted for new D-SLR camera users (lenses, camera bags, etc)
As a brand-new inexperienced D-SLR camera owner, I have a few questions for those of you who more experienced using cameras! I am looking into various lenses. Reading this article about choosing lenses really explained a LOT. My Nikon D5000 came with a 18-55mm kit lens and I also bought a 55-2...
Thanks Sam! The Noel sign was at the mall.
Here is a post I did on the Photo Hunt blog about BW with selective coloring
Photo Hunt #5 ~ My Results
Photo Hunt #5 is complete and here are my pictures from the month of December. Thank you to my dad for letting me use his camera! The Canon G10 has been a great camera to use. Make sure you check out all the participant entries at Photo Hunt Challenges and vote in the polls that will be open s...
Yeah, I can't think of any other family that has a foosball tourney like ours! Many of the past trophies were pretty cool!
Family Foosball Tourney XXIII ~ 2010
Twenty three years ago is when the very first Sauer Family Foosball Tourney was established and it is a BFD in my family! A little history about the tourney: My dad's side of the family had always gotten together the first weekend in January to celebrate the famous birthday of my dad, his siste...
Thanks Hope, it is a very cute camera bag!
Thoughts for Thursday: Advice wanted for new D-SLR camera users (lenses, camera bags, etc)
As a brand-new inexperienced D-SLR camera owner, I have a few questions for those of you who more experienced using cameras! I am looking into various lenses. Reading this article about choosing lenses really explained a LOT. My Nikon D5000 came with a 18-55mm kit lens and I also bought a 55-2...
Thanks, Michelle. Considering I didn't know the camera at all, the pictures turned out better than I hoped. Noemy and Traves were both great subjects and thanks so much for your suggestion of Manitou Island. I am going to go out and play with cameras this week and make a final decision very soon. Thanks again for letting me use your older Canon (is it a Rebel?)
A Wonderful White Winter Wedding....
Last week my dear friend Noemy married Traves, the Love of her Life and I was appointed official wedding photographer. My sweet SIL Michelle gave me a quick tutorial and let me borrow her "old" camera, a Canon DSLR to take photos and for a first-timer, they turned out pretty good! I have been ...
Thanks Adrienne! It was fun although it was FREEZING!!!! Next time I will wear some warm boots!!
A Wonderful White Winter Wedding....
Last week my dear friend Noemy married Traves, the Love of her Life and I was appointed official wedding photographer. My sweet SIL Michelle gave me a quick tutorial and let me borrow her "old" camera, a Canon DSLR to take photos and for a first-timer, they turned out pretty good! I have been ...
Michelle, I think Hammer Pants and Hyper Color came out in 1990.... I will be doing a 90's fashion post as some point soon too! LOL
Tuesday's Top 10: Favorite 80's Fashion
Today's Top 10 gives us another chance to look at the wonderful 80's. This list is my favorite fashionable items of the 80's. This does not mean I would wear any of it today, no matter how popular this stuff is again! But here is proof that I was as awesome as it gets in the 80's! 1. Jel...
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