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Amy Hanson
San Diego, CA
I'm a lucky wife and mom of two lovely little girls in San Diego, California, trying my best to grow up.
Interests: painting, making jewelry, reading historical fiction and biographies
Recent Activity
Thank you, Kate! I think I fixed it...had it down as "blogger" not "blogspot" in the address. So sorry! xoxoxo.
Toggle Commented Jun 28, 2010 on oooh! i did it! at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Oonaballoona, thank you soooo much for the postal link! That is wonderful news and will be very, very much appreciated--JUST what I needed--Thank you!!! Elizabeth, Amanda, and Michaela, I thank you too, from the bottom of my heart. Your words make a great deal of sense to me, and I carry them with me. xoxox!
Toggle Commented Jun 24, 2010 on each day a new adventure at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Alicia, that's what I was thinking, and I even have the perfect ring to make a mold from, but I just don't know how to make a mold, so I'm going to do some research...I would imagine that polymer clay is not rugged enough, but crayons melt at a very low heat, so it wouldn't take anything too industrial, right? I'll let you know...! :o)
Toggle Commented May 30, 2010 on these are awesome, but... at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Hello, Carole! Lovely to meet you. I'm so honored to be on Lucy's blogroll--Lucky, lucky me, that she is introducing me to a few of her friends! Thank you so much for stopping by...Oh! and I should mention that I didn't make any of the blankets in the post (would that I could)...the one I believe you are referencing is from Pickles, and the link is right up there in the check them out--just lovely each and every day. xoxox!
Toggle Commented May 23, 2010 on granny stripes at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Jenny, here is the link! You can't beat the price, I don't think, and it arrived within 2 days... xoxo!
Toggle Commented May 15, 2010 on lucky cat #1, you are out at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Hi, Cindy! The store is on Balboa Ave. just west of highway 163. It's not called Daiso (just to make it more confusing) it's called Marukai Value Plus (there are 3 related Japanese stores in the one parking lot, on the south side of Balboa)...Down the street there is also a store called Mitsuwa, which is where I have purchased all my Japanese craft books...there's a bookstore, a market and a resteraunt in there--total Japanese shopping heaven! Have fun!!!
Toggle Commented May 14, 2010 on good fortune, japanese-style at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Gina, I don't think so. I will try to find out more, but it looks as if there's no link to an etsy shop anymore on her profile...graygoosie--Help! Do you have a shop???
Toggle Commented May 12, 2010 on living as if :: graygoosie at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
I know, I know! The Japanese dollar store is the best thing since sunlight. It's actually called Daiso, and it's in the part of town that services the Asian-American community here in San Diego. Maybe there's one in your town? Who knows?! Athena, thank you for the shoe love. They are by Born (with the line through the 'o') and I got them last year from a catalog. I think I'm going to be buried in them someday. And my lucky cat shirt. The whole outfit really. It's not fashion, but it's me. xoxo!
Toggle Commented May 12, 2010 on good fortune, japanese-style at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Kathryn, you are so right. I wrote that sentence, "I don't have to show anyone anything" without giving it a lot of thought--but you're right when you say there's a great deal to think about there. I love the way made it practical, and I'm going to add those questions to my new arsenal! Thank you. xoxo.
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2010 on what hearts do best at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Holly, xoxox.
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2010 on what hearts do best at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Kris, it's one of my favorites too!: Aren't we just so smart?! :o)
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2010 on what hearts do best at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Veronika, I so appreciate your kind words. I do not see how I could possibly inspire you, though--you seem so incredibly savvy and creative and kind and wonderful. But thank you. xoxo.
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2010 on a test of will at Sweet Sweet Life
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Sollee...It was my pleasure, really. And I would love to move to Coeur d'Alene! Any day! :o)
Toggle Commented Apr 19, 2010 on a test of will at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Hilary, this is genius: ""I want new toys/clothes/educational materials/books for my daughter." That really means, "I want my daughter to feel loved/stimulated." or "I want or like a certain item and I am using my daughter as an excuse to acquire it." Alternatives: Make something special for or with her, reinvent something we already own, reorganize her room, spend time with her reading/playing/making art, go to the library, work in the yard together, or acknowledge that it is my desire and not hers." SO SMART. I'm not sure I ever looked at it that way, but you are so right. I'm going to create some affirmations in the same vein--it's so important to regonize the intention behind our actions, and we so rarely do--what a wonderful opportunity to do just that...I've also been thinking alot lately about how the things I purchased in the past were more about making my life LOOK a certain way, to myself and others, not about the life itself. I think I was under the impression that if my life had a certain look (suitable for magazine publication, of course) then I would somehow become a person "worthy" of that life. Really sad. I'm so glad I don't feel that way anymore...Thank you so much for your thoughts--they are super helpful. xoxo. Feather, I hope you CAN get to Coeur d'Alene (or whatever it is) this summer! Let me know how the thrifting is--it's got to be much better than Southern CA, at any rate! And thanks for cluing me in on it's where-abouts...xoxox :o)
Toggle Commented Apr 17, 2010 on a test of will at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Jayne, that site is awesome! I LOVE it! Definitely one to add to the list. Thank you so much! So good, indeed...
Toggle Commented Apr 15, 2010 on room for laughs at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Hello, Jane! It was my pleasure--your work is original and so very lovely! :o)
Toggle Commented Apr 6, 2010 on bags a-plenty :: memake at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Well, yes, Kira, you're right! I wrote this before the quakes, so at that point, it was lovely and quiet. That was a huge quake, though, and really scary. Even for me, a California native. All is well, though, in San Diego. :o)
Toggle Commented Apr 5, 2010 on where the road leads :: jek at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Thanks, all! I was feeling like maybe I'd be a blog-land outcast for saying that...but you know? We just have to do what feels right at the time. And yes! They are Playmobil bunnies, and I even let the girls play with them sometimes! :o)
Toggle Commented Apr 5, 2010 on hello spring, *my* style at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Hello, Holly, dear! thanks for your kind words... "Macro" is just super-close up--it's a special setting on the camera so that it doesn't get blurry. That's all. But we do like a close-up! xoxox.
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2010 on through her eyes at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Thanks, all! I know it--she's awesome, right? And suzanne--thanks so very much. So, so glad you find something to smile about now and again 'round here. That's what I'm shooting for, and thanks for letting me know you enjoy...! xoxox.
Toggle Commented Mar 30, 2010 on all that, and more at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Thank you, Katie and V! What kind words...And you put it so very perfectly, Katie--much better than I could say. I was worried that I was being a bit self-indulgent with this post, but I'm so happy you found something to warm your heart...! xoxo.
Toggle Commented Mar 30, 2010 on en famille at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you enjoyed them...:o)
Toggle Commented Mar 27, 2010 on charmed, i'm sure at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Melissa, I'm open to anything--just not making more bracelets...! Let me know what you are interested in (I can send you pics, if you like) and we can talk! xoxo.
Toggle Commented Mar 27, 2010 on charmed, i'm sure at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
I agree, Jessie...I don't even wear my wedding ring all the time--but I do like to wear rings when I'm dressed nicely (which is rare). I take mine off the second I'm home though. Maybe ribbons are the way to go?! xo.
Toggle Commented Mar 26, 2010 on ring me up :: maria apostolou at Sweet Sweet Life
1 reply
Thanks, Erin--of course, it's Berkeley! Silly me...:o)
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