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Lausanne, Switzerland
Tech geek, retail freek and co-host of NipTech and Nip$ales podcast
Recent Activity
The urge to criticize and compare
I'm traveling again these next 10 day but this time to Chicago. When I come to the US, I always feel the need to criticize and compare people, places and culture. Why is the waiter or waitress behaving so nicely? In Europe, it's like... Why do people talk to each... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2016 at My Blog
Tips from a wannabe Frequent Traveler
I've been traveling quite a bit these last 2 months, not only in Europe, but also longer flights in North America and Asia. I love watching how frequent travellers behave. Here are some quick tips I gathered from blogs, discussion and my own experiences : > Don't drink and fly... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2016 at My Blog
Thoughts of a European in Asia
I've just returned from a 12 day trip to Asia, which took me to Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong and Shenzen. Coming back home to Switzerland had a special impact on me. Our old continent called Europe seems even older. We seem like the declining Roman empire on a downward slope.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2016 at My Blog
Currently in a A380 to Singapour on a evening flight. It's always funny to see how people allocate their time in a 10 to 12 hours flight. It's all bases on choices. For me, the choices are : 0- play vs work 1- alcohol vs water 2- movie vs kindle... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2016 at My Blog
Seth's blog
I was listening to the Tim Ferriss Show podcast, and fell on this episode "How Seth Godin Manages His Life — Rules, Principles, and Obsessions". Seth is an Internet god who seems to live by his own dog food. Main lesson I take out of his life explanation "try, try,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2016 at My Blog
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Feb 12, 2016
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