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Kajsa Wikman
Artist, crafter, mother of two, blogger, small business owner... Author of the sewing book Scandinavian Stitches. (Stashbooks)
Recent Activity
In the studio today...
...tomte-making with my assistant. Little did I know when I moved my studio home last Summer that I would have so much to sew during nap-time! I didn't want to spend money on the rent while satying at home with... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2015 at syko
Peas in Australia!
I was very excited when I was contacted by Australian Homespun magazine, they wanted to feature my peas on earth chopping-board on this awesome spread! I think need those peas in a pod earrings by Sudlow jewelry! So look for... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2015 at syko
Thank you for asking! Yes, they will arrive by th end of next week! Kajsa
Kajsa Wikman-Colérus
Syko Design
[email protected]
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I'm back!
...with some pretty pictures of my chopping-boards, taken by my friend Karin Lindroos, I love her sense of colour! And this first day of Autumn (looking grey outside) I am also loving the sense of Summer in these pictures... The chopping-boards and trays are made for me by a family company i...
I'm back!
...with some pretty pictures of my chopping-boards, taken by my friend Karin Lindroos, I love her sense of colour! And this first day of Autumn (looking grey outside) I am also loving the sense of Summer in these pictures... The... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2015 at syko
Happy Valentine's Day!
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Posted Feb 14, 2015 at syko
On maternity leave
Dear friends,I know I've been an awful blogger! During the last year I've been literally sick and tired, but it was very much worth it! The result is sleeping in my arms as I'm writing this. Baby F was born... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2014 at syko
Tuesday in the Syko studio
Day two of the facebook challenge with pictures of five ordinary days in the studio! I always check my e-mail and facebook first thing in the morning, this is the view from my favourite spot in my armchair. I picked... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2014 at syko
Monday in the Syko studio
I was challenged over at facebook to show some pictures of five ordinary days in the studio. I thought I'd share my week here too, for those of you who are not on fb! I came in first in the... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2014 at syko
Studio shop
*scroll down for English summary* Efter lite vinterpaus med butiken har vi så smått börjat ställa i ordning en liten studio shop. Utanför dörren till mitt arbetsrum ser det nu ut såhär! Jag/vi håller öppet när någon av oss är... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2014 at syko
Syko cards Spring & Summer 2014...
...will soon be available! It took some time, honestly it always does, but now they are ready, off to the printers! Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2014 at syko
We have been working a lot with patches lately! Well, you know I always do, but together with my trainee Nadja we have made a bunch of peek a boo baby quilts during the last month. We only used what... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2014 at syko
Spring is my season!
I often come back to Spring in my work. I think the older I get the more I realise that Spring is my absolute favourite season. Every morning I check my garden for early green guests, I enjoy the birdsong,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2014 at syko
Fish quilt
Det är bara januari och jag har redan lyckats få två lapptäcken quiltade. Tror att lapptäcken ska vara lite av ett tema i år. Drömmer alltid om att få sy större arbeten, tröttnar aldrig på att kombinera tyger i olika... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2014 at syko
Mysfilt - Linen lap quilt
På jullovet sprang jag en del på loppis och blev så glad när jag fick syn på en soffa som, trots att den var något solblekt hade "det". Den är mysig och inbjudande och när jag upptäckte att den dessutom... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2014 at syko
The recipe is very easy, the ingredients in English are at the bottom of my post! You melt cocoa fat and then mix it with the grains and put it in cups and voilá!
Kajsa Wikman-Colérus
Syko Design
[email protected]
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Gör egen fågelmat - food for the birds
Solen skiner denna smällkalla januarisöndag då jag bestämmer mej för att skriva en bloggpost på mitt modersmål. Har haft så svårt att hitta inspirationen för att skriva, men tänker att det kanske hjälper om jag får skriva på mitt eget språk! Redan innan jul köpte jag kokosfett och fågelfrön att...
Gör egen fågelmat - food for the birds
Solen skiner denna smällkalla januarisöndag då jag bestämmer mej för att skriva en bloggpost på mitt modersmål. Har haft så svårt att hitta inspirationen för att skriva, men tänker att det kanske hjälper om jag får skriva på mitt eget... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2014 at syko
Thanks Cilla! It was -17C this morning and I must say I prefer that to your temperatures, even if it is a little too much! I hope that it gets better soon, terrible with the bush fires! xKajsa
Kajsa Wikman-Colérus
Syko Design
[email protected]
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Winter sun
I am so happy that winter and sun is here! It is freezing cold, but very beautiful! I went for a walk at lunch break with my friend, we are trying to make it a good habit! The brown leaves that looked dull a week ago, suddenly look pretty poetic. Little things, that make me... I want to ...
Winter sun
I am so happy that winter and sun is here! It is freezing cold, but very beautiful! I went for a walk at lunch break with my friend, we are trying to make it a good habit! The brown leaves... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2014 at syko
Hi Michelle! The game is called Morjens! and reminds of Trivial pursuit. The questions are about the Swedish-speaking part of Finland. 6% of the population in my country speak Swedish as their mother-tongue and I am one of them :) xKajsa
Kajsa Wikman-Colérus
Syko Design
[email protected]
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Welcome 2014 and very welcome sunshine!
Happy new year everyone! We had, as they called it in the newspaper, a black Christmas. It's been dark and rainy for weeks now and we are all getting so tired of it and looonging for snow and sunshine. I keep checking the weather forecast for the weekend (I am quite addicted to that app on my ph...
Spring cleaning sale!
I spent last week sorting out my studio and have listed a lot of stuff in my shop and there is more to come! I hope you will help me clear out my shelves! You will get 30% off on... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2014 at syko
Welcome 2014 and very welcome sunshine!
Happy new year everyone! We had, as they called it in the newspaper, a black Christmas. It's been dark and rainy for weeks now and we are all getting so tired of it and looonging for snow and sunshine. I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2014 at syko
Pop-up Christmas shop
Hello my friends! Someone wrote to me and asked if all is well, I am here and I'm alive, thanks for caring! I've just been so busy during the last month with fairs and orders so sadly this blog has... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2013 at syko
Greta & Matilda
I have a weak spot for old, embroidered textiles, the more traces of life they have, like coffee staines and holes, the more I like them! Now, in darkest November I find that creating unique fairy-angels out of these much... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2013 at syko
Christmas joy and holiday cards
I am used to start Christmas season early, but this year it started earlier than ever! Thanks to this fresh book, Jouluiloa kierrätysmateriaaleista (☆) Gummerus 2013, that I've made in co-operation with Karin Lindroos. And before you ask, yes, it's... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2013 at syko
Hoop-La! book blog tour + Supercat give-away!
A month or so ago my blogger friend Kirsty Neale of Ginger & George e-mailed me and asked if I might be interested in participating in a blog tour for her new book, Hoop-La!: 100 things to do with embroidery... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2013 at syko
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