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Sylar's Secret Girlfriend :D
The obsessor of all things Sylar.
Interests: Watching Heroes, web-stalking the cast, etc.
Recent Activity
Sylar's Secret Girlfriend :D added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Good day to you all. My adorably adorable favorite motivational pic.
Dec 7, 2009
Where's this from? I feel the need to obsess over Zach today. Anyway, it'd be really cool if Zach was on stage. I mostly prefer him as Sylar, but I'd like to see him do it, y'know? Just something to see. And who knows? He might come around, and my life will be fulfilled yet again.
Toggle Commented Dec 7, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Where'd you find that? It seems vaguely familiar....
Toggle Commented Nov 2, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
Sylar's Secret Girlfriend :D is now following Zachary Quinto
Nov 2, 2009