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Sylvie Olivier
Recent Activity
Amazing Women... are you there?
Today, I would like to talk to you about my dear friend Christine Cirka... She is an amazing lady with such a big heart. I love her authenticity, her willigness to share her wisdom and her brilliance. I simply love her... Christine had quite an experience that we can all... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Learn to live loved
My dear friend and soul sister, Heather Fraser, did it again! Her writing is so inspiring... It's all about Love! Her way of channeling the Spirit of Nature is absolutely delightful. I will now let Heather talk directly to your heart and soul... Learn to live loved. How many of... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Freedom vs Bondage
In her Weekly Blessings, my dear friend Heather Fraser helps us awakening to our true Self. This week, as you read her Blessing, I encourage you to stay open and feel this wonderful energy of Freedom! At the deepest core of our Being, our most natural state is one of... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Sacred and holy Mother Earth
My dear soul sister Heather Fraser is a source of inspiration for me and for so many... In her Weekly Blessings, she points out the very thing that we need to hear! In this one, she reminds us to honor our Sacred and holy Mother Earth with gratitude and love.... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
A heart-to-heart connection
This week, I had a heart-to-heart conversation with Christine Cirka from Essence to Success and I have decided to write an Infusion of Gratitude to acknowledge her and what we created together. Christine is a lovely woman who is passionate about empowering us to discover our true essence and direct... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
I love myself!
First of all, I want to apologize for not posting Heather's Blessings for a while... my computer needed rest! But now, it is back and full in shape, so as I! So many times, we forget to love ourselves and we think it is easier to love our dear ones...... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
The mix of all consciousness
It is time for sharing Heather Fraser's Weekly Blessing this week... Being interconnected with her and All That Is, I felt her joy and happiness too... Wow! I've been waking up in the dark stillness of early morning these past few weeks, to the most beautiful sound of a lone... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Alexandre Beaulieu Lynch... an extraordinary source of inspiration!
Today, I would like to introduce you an inspiring young man! His name is Alexandre Beaulieu Lynch and he is the son of my Life Coach, Chantal Beaulieu Lynch, with whom I spent amazing moments… Very often in our lives, we tend not to move toward the realization of our... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Alexandre Beaulieu Lynch... une source d'inspiration extraordinaire!
Aujourd'hui, j'aimerais vous présenter un jeune homme tellement inspirant! Il se nomme Alexandre Beaulieu Lynch et il est le fils de ma Coach de Vie, Chantal Beaulieu Lynch avec qui j'ai passé des moments inoubliables... Il arrive souvent dans la vie que nous ayons comme premier réflexe de ne pas... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
And the still, small voice said...
She did it again... my soul sister Heather Fraser touched my heart very deeply with her words of Love. Once you read it, they fulfill your heart and become One with you. If you would like, I invite you to share your thoughts and feelings with us... There she is!... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Beauty of Life
It is an immense pleasure to me to introduce you my dear friend Heather Fraser for her Weekly Blessing. She is a true inspiration to me... I hope her message will uplift and inspire you as much as it did for me! I find the beauty of life simply staggering... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Sacred Web of Humanity
Yesterday, I received my Weekly Blessing from my soul sister Heather Fraser... and as you know it, her words always touch me deeply. With her permission, I share them with you... May her Blessing be an inspiration for all of you! It's early morning and still dark outside as I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
1000 x 1000: ces leaders qui changent le monde
Aujourd'hui, j'aimerais exprimer ma profonde Gratitude à Daniel Giguère, un Million-Être extraordinaire qui poursuit sa mission sans relâche en faisant connaître un Million-Être à la fois... Je lui dédie mon Infusion de Gratitude! Qu'est-ce qu'un Million-Être? Je vous invite à visiter le blogue pour le découvrir en profondeur. Toutefois,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Eternal Presence by Heather Fraser
Again, Heather inspires us with her meaningful and powerful prayer that she dedicates to Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Thank you for sharing your message Heather! You have my deepest Gratitude... I wrote this short prayer around this time last year. Great Spirit has prompted me to send it out... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Divine Creation
I am now sharing another Weekly Blessing from my soul sister, Heather Fraser with so much pleasure... In reading her message, we can almost see her creations with gemstones for her words are so colorful! Thank you again Heather for your inspiring message this week! One day this week, I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Inspiration from Heather Fraser
Once in a while, I come across people who really inspire me... deeply and profoundly! And that is the case with Heather Fraser who writes "Weekly Blessings" that I receive each Sunday in my inbox. I am always very happy to read what she writes, because it fills the deepest... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
The 100 Women of Destiny event!
Today, my Infusion of Gratitude goes to Madeleine Marentette and to Kari Henley who are two wonderful women uplifting the lives of those who surround them. Did you know that the 100 Women of Destiny Tele-Retreat organized by Grail Springs and Madeleine Marentette along with Kari Henley and some wonderful... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Celebrating 100 Women of Destiny
Did you hear about the 100 Women of Destiny Tele-Retreat organized by Grail Springs and Madeleine Marentette along with some wonderful women? We, at Exploration Gratitude, invite you to visite this website and to register for this event. Together, we can have a tremendous impact on how we live... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at Reflections Gratitude
Apprécions la créativité et la générosité de Carole Melançon!
J'aimerais prendre quelques minutes pour vous mettre en contexte afin que vous puissiez comprendre cette Infusion de Gratitude que j'ai choisi d'offrir à Carole Melançon, une femme généreuse et créative. Carole Melançon et moi avons échangé par courriel sur un sujet qui la tient à coeur... la santé! Et pour... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Merci Sylvie pour ce beau témoignage!
Je suis vraiment heureuse que l'expérience Infusion de Gratitude débute avec une telle intensité...
La Gratitude vibre à une si haute fréquence qu'on ne peut faire autrement que d'en bénéficier largement.
Je veux te remettre 2 signets Infusion de Gratitude en reconnaissance de la Gratitude témoignée... un signet que tu conserveras comme aide-mémoire et un autre que tu pourras remettre à une personne chez qui tu vois la Gratitude s'exprimer.
Comme tu le verras, le mot Gratitude est écrit en 37 langues sur le signet et à chaque fois que tu le regarderas, tu recevras la vibration de l'Essence de Gratitude que tu pourras utiliser à ta guise tout en explorant la Gratitude sous toutes ses facettes.
Je te remercie de participer à l'expérience Infusion de Gratitude!
Avec Gratitude,
Sylvie Olivier
Que l'expérience Infusion de Gratitude débute!
Bienvenue au sein de la communauté Infusion de Gratitude où vous êtes invités à partager vos expériences de Gratitude sur notre blogue en utilisant les signets Infusion de Gratitude infusés de la vibration de l’Essence de Gratitude. Notre communauté a pour but d’observer et de reconnaître La...
Let's begin the Infusion of Gratitude experiment!
Welcome to our Infusion of Gratitude community where you are invited to share your experiences of Gratitude on our blog by using the Infusion of Gratitude bookmarks infused with the vibration of the Essence of Gratitude. The bookmark’s purpose is for you to observe and recognize Gratitude in Action ∞... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
Que l'expérience Infusion de Gratitude débute!
Bienvenue au sein de la communauté Infusion de Gratitude où vous êtes invités à partager vos expériences de Gratitude sur notre blogue en utilisant les signets Infusion de Gratitude infusés de la vibration de l’Essence de Gratitude. Notre communauté a pour but d’observer et de reconnaître La Gratitude à l’œuvre... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2011 at Gratitude around the world
L'aventure du Transsibérien!
La famille Foisy va maintenant vivre une expérience hors du commun, une expérience tellement attendue par chacun d’eux mais tout spécialement par Sharda qui rêve de la Russie depuis si longtemps! Nous vous laissons en leur compagnie! Sunita : Finalement, le Transsibérien! J’ai tellement de choses à dire à propos... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at Gratitude around the world
De Moscou à St-Petersbourg et de retour à Moscou
La famille Foisy nous fait maintenant découvrir la Russie… pays qu’ils ont particulièrement apprécié! Ils sont arrivés à Moscou mais seulement dans le but de faire un transfert pour se rendre à St-Petersbourg pour revenir quelques jours plus tard à Moscou. Ensuite, ils ont débuté leur périple avec le Transsibérien... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2010 at Gratitude around the world
La Russie
Voyager en Russie est une occasion unique d’apprendre sur l'histoire et la culture russes. Saviez-vous que la Russie englobe onze fuseaux horaires et deux continents ? En effet, elle a une vaste étendue de fleuves, de forêts et de très hautes montagnes avec certaines des architectures les plus belles au... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2010 at Gratitude around the world
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