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Fayetteville , NC/Ft Stewart, GA
I am a proud Army Wife, currently going through my first deployment. I am 19 years old(almost 20). I was born and raised in Cincinnati Ohio, my husband is stationed in Ft. Stewart GA, but I am living with his family in Fayetteville NC while he is deployed!!
Interests: Dance, cooking, travel, music, movies, sports and ummm.....I think thats it.
Recent Activity
This is for all the Military Wives!!! A Soldier's Wife by: Anisha Donegan We see the troops going off to war Some people ask, "what is this for?" We need them here to be with us But time is precious,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2010 at Post the Love
oh wow! that made me cry haha. makes me think of my husband in iraq :( i feel exactly that way everywhere i go, then i remember hes not here and cry!
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2010 on Be stupid at Post the Love
1 reply
I feel the same exact way. we are both in the same boat :(
Tori added a photo at Post the Love
This is my husband and I the day he deployed to Iraq for his 2nd tour of duty.He is the love of my life, my best friend and my hero! In Dear John, it took 2 weeks. In my life it took 1 week. My husband and I met online. We started talking on the phone NON STOP while he was on vacation visiting his parents. Before we even met he sent me a bouquet of 2 dozen red roses with 6 cala lilies. We finally met face to face on November 11th 2008 and started dating each other that night. The next day we went on our first date to a very nice restaurant and sat on the beach just talking for hours. That weekend he was set to go out to the field and train for a whole week. The night before he left, he dropped me off at home after dinner then called 5 minutes later telling me he had something important to tell me, so meet him outside. He pulled up and told me to get in the car, so I did. He told me that he loved me, my heart melted cause I felt it too. After I said it back, he gave me a necklace that his father gave him before his first deployment and told me he wanted me to have something so I wouldn't forget him while he was if I could. When he got done with training he came straight to my friends house where i was living at the time, dirty, sweaty and stinky uniform and all that stuff. December 17th he took me out to dinner to meet his friends, little did I know, he was gonna propose. He told his friend he had to talk to him about something and came back and popped the question. I cried my eyes out haha. The day before New Years Eve, after signing the lease for our house, he took me to the courthouse and we signed our papers to get married. We had to wait until the next day cause all the spots were filled :( but we ended up getting married on New Years Eve at 5:34pm. The happiest day of my life!!! We have been married for almost 14 months now and I have no regrets at all. This story may make me sound older, but I am only 19 years old(almost 20). I have met the one I am meant to be with for the rest of my life. I love and miss my husband so so much!!! God Bless Our Troops and bring them all home safely!!!!! HOOAH!!!!
Feb 6, 2010
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Feb 1, 2010
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Feb 1, 2010