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Looking for Zen
Recent Activity
There's a reason women don't generally like having male doctors!
Without going into detail, I feel I must say that male doctors just don't get it. They do not have comparable parts so they just don't understand that what hurts and is uncomfortable to a woman has no comparision in pain for a male. Just clueless, absolutely clueless. I can't... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at Looking for Zen
Well, the doctor is going to take out what he put in to make me well... and the less said about that the better. I know that men are such delicate creatures. :-)
The Typepad thing was rather shocking to me. I mean, the time to sell was probably a few years ago. I have never heard of this new company and I can not think that 6A actually got a great deal of money for the platform. I mean, blogging, though still popular with the devoted, is sort of out with the young'uns. It's all about (horror of horror) Facebook and, more or less, Twitter. But then, what do I know.
I use Wordpress more, but I have always said to anyone who will listen, that I always found 6A products the most superior. The main people yammering on about how great WP is are the people who, I am certain, have never used a 6A blog. Two totally different animals. It was a huge learning curve for me. Plus, many of the great things about Typepad are not and have never been available in any form on WP.
So, technically, I have a job but I'm out of work
"Lucy, let me 'splain..." 1. Government contractor 2. No contract 3. Subcontractor to company that now holds the contract 4. Company that holds contract hasn't been able to get government to sign in a reasonable amount of time 5. Ergo... 6. I'm out of "work" until someone tells me to report bac...
So, technically, I have a job but I'm out of work
"Lucy, let me 'splain..." 1. Government contractor 2. No contract 3. Subcontractor to company that now holds the contract 4. Company that holds contract hasn't been able to get government to sign in a reasonable amount of time 5. Ergo... 6. I'm out of "work" until someone tells me to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2010 at Looking for Zen
Am very tired and grouchy
Sometimes I feel that I am the smartest person at my job. I need a change but have no ideas. And winning the lottery or finding that elusive sugar-daddy is not going to happen anytime soon. I guess now would not be the time to start Eat. Pray Love. My... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2010 at Looking for Zen
Looking for Zen is now following Kathryn
Sep 5, 2010
Looking for Zen added a favorite at 2 Things @ Once
Sep 5, 2010
Looking for Zen is now following notoriously nice™
Sep 4, 2010
Looking for Zen is now following Lilia
Sep 4, 2010
What I've been up to... just in case you were wondering... but you probably weren't
Hi Lilia! Hi Mike! Boy, it has been ages! I'm glad you both stopped by. I would love to hear what you've been up to!! As for me.. I've been blogging semi-steadily over on my Wordpress blog(s). I've actually maintained a job for nearly two years now, but that familiar... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2010 at Looking for Zen
Looking for Zen is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 3, 2010
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