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Tahnie Burlingame OrangeCourage1
My head...
I am unique all around...ask any of my friends
Interests: God, Zachary Quinto (duh), Heroes/Sylar, Halo, Writing, Music, Drums, Plushie Videos, Creating creatures in my head
Recent Activity
@Ambra: Yeah, mixing the two. But I guess I really getting on to tha fact that what would happen if Heroes signed up for American Idol lol like if the judges thought he sucked, he'd use the finger LOL just a little parody thing...
Both awesome shows, what would happen if they...
Both awesome shows, what would happen if they mixed? And who cares if Heroes is cancelled! Who would be the next American Hero? Sylar would be last if I were to write a fan-fic about it...for secret reason only... What would the judges say? Anyone want to write about this idea? =D I'd do it, but ...
Both awesome shows, what would happen if they...
Both awesome shows, what would happen if they mixed? And who cares if Heroes is cancelled! Who would be the next American Hero? Sylar would be last if I were to write a fan-fic about it...for secret reason only... What... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
Venting on a mean school janitor lady... if you...
Venting on a mean school janitor lady... if you don't care, you do not have to read. I would like help but I don't want to offend or bore anyone so... begin of rant: There is this janitor lady at... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
Tahnie Burlingame OrangeCourage1 added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Feb 15, 2011
I've been looking for this! Thank you! xD
No title
@Seaz: Sorry...I'm not really amused by drunk people or anything related to alcohol...not sure what the point you were trying to make with that. Please, explain.
Here's my day in a nutshell: Found out ex is...
Here's my day in a nutshell: Found out ex is jealous of my current bf and told him that "She's mine, back off.", bf wants to take a break from me and life (he's so stressed right now), and the one place I'm working at (it's not real work but it's my job at school, being in work experience), which...
@Seaz: Sorry I took so long to answer.
I can't think of thing I'm looking forward to. Except for maybe Sabbath tonight...don't know if that counts.
Today, the kids at the school I'm not working at make me smile all the time. But since I'm leaving that school...
I don't have many fond memories of my childhood...I probably could count the time I slept with my parents in their bed. It was the last time I felt united with them...
Here's my day in a nutshell: Found out ex is...
Here's my day in a nutshell: Found out ex is jealous of my current bf and told him that "She's mine, back off.", bf wants to take a break from me and life (he's so stressed right now), and the one place I'm working at (it's not real work but it's my job at school, being in work experience), which...
Here's my day in a nutshell: Found out ex is...
Here's my day in a nutshell: Found out ex is jealous of my current bf and told him that "She's mine, back off.", bf wants to take a break from me and life (he's so stressed right now), and the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
@Mitzi: thank you =) I just hope it stays that way =D
Everything is ok now =) My life is back to normal.
Everything is ok now =) My life is back to normal.
Everything is ok now =) My life is back to normal.
Everything is ok now =) My life is back to normal. Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
The most difficult thing to do in life is to walk...
The most difficult thing to do in life is to walk to the place you have to go in order to be successful, see the boy you cherish, and know that he's given up for whatever reason and STILL love... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
@Mitzi and Ziggyeor, thanks. I've just been having a rotten week, all around. And it all deals with love...why do I have the crappiest week on Feburarys? REALLY? Ugh...
worst. day. ever.
worst. day. ever.
worst. day. ever.
worst. day. ever. Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
HI!!! :3 anybody wanna chat?
HI!!! :3 anybody wanna chat? Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
1's been like a week since I've been on...'s been like a week since I've been on here. LOL Anyways, found out Zach and my bf are from the same weird is that? =D Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
@Steffi: I do have a new bf 8D
@Kannbrown: thx for that =) my new bf (or just bf?) came to my house today. So I feel better ex said he doesn't want to be my friend... ex said he doesn't want to be my friend anymore. Said he wouldn't be surprised if I cheated on him. Um...but I waited until I broke up with him instead of dating TWO freakin people...whatever, I was unhappy, he couldn't tell (neither could I), and I feel happier. And I think that's all ... ex said he doesn't want to be my friend... ex said he doesn't want to be my friend anymore. Said he wouldn't be surprised if I cheated on him. Um...but I waited until I broke up with him instead of dating TWO freakin people...whatever, I was unhappy, he... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
kinda reminds me of Sylar's smile =3
No title
I have a male cat that looks just like that 8D but sometimes, he's a pill...
No title
@kannbrown: thanks =) and you're right, it is
Broke up with my bf today =( the entire...
Broke up with my bf today =( the entire relationship thing made me very unhappy. He wasn't there for me religiously (I get that he's athiest, but I haven't mentioned God much for 10 months...). He never called me even though his parents bought a cell phone for the whole family. We never hung out....
Broke up with my bf today =( the entire...
Broke up with my bf today =( the entire relationship thing made me very unhappy. He wasn't there for me religiously (I get that he's athiest, but I haven't mentioned God much for 10 months...). He never called me even... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
@ZachQuintoUK: Google is helping to find the definition xD
@SeazTheDay: Nope, you're not =) I do have brown eyes but they change from that to green to greenish-brown...
@Kannbrown and @Ambra: haha thx! 8D Ambra, I TOTALLY agree with you. That man knows hpow to uyse his eyes :P
What do you call it when you're attracted to guys...
What do you call it when you're attracted to guys with brown eyes? =P Not just Zach either xD Even guys at my school x3
What do you call it when you're attracted to guys...
What do you call it when you're attracted to guys with brown eyes? =P Not just Zach either xD Even guys at my school x3 Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
@Dobby: I still think I suck but thank yo! 8D
@dobby: thank you for the fav! ^_^
@dobby: thank you for the fav! ^_^
@dobby: thank you for the fav! ^_^
@dobby: thank you for the fav! ^_^ Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
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