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Interests: Photography, Digital Scrapbooking, Genealogy, Reading, Knitting, Spinning, Sewing, Quilting, Gardening, Healthy Cooking, Beach Combing, Camping, Outdoors, Cats
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Mar 15, 2010
Theresa is now following Ali Edwards
Oct 3, 2009
You look just beautiful in your Hidcote! Quit picking on yourself! :-) I think it may be a good thing that I don't know about that lace club! Sivia Harding designs incredible stuff. She's nice too, she found something I created from one of her patterns, on Ravelry and left me a nice comment! The garden tour sounds fun and I'm enjoying your photos with the new camera!
Toggle Commented Jun 29, 2009 on Lace, Flowers and Fruit at Missouri Star
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2009 on Spring has sprung! at Little Cabin In the Woods
1 reply
Amazing photos. That portrait of Colette is better than any professionals I've seen! But the photos are amazing because of your subject, not because of your awesome photography. I also appreciated what you wrote. God has been nudging my heart too and I have concerns for my own little chicks. Dr. Tommy Mitchell was the key speaker at our homeschool conference this June. He is from Answers In Genesis. It was really great. Ken Ham recently published Already Gone that is about what is influencing our children to wander away from God and church. They did a detailed survey following up on several "generic" surveys done by denominations and organizations to find out specifics on why they leave. Results were surprising. Only 11% left during college. I think that's not because college doesn't pull away (because as you noted it does), but because they were "already gone" long before college. The major cause according to the surveys was that they are being taught in SS and from the pulpit that not all of the Bible is true. SAD. We definitely are bringing our children into a different world. They are such blessings and now I understand that old saying that to be a mother is to have your heart walk around outside your body! Thanks for sharing your heart and your family.
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2009 on Motherhood at Little Cabin In the Woods
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Hi, I haven't been at your blog in months (or any others) as our family has had a lot of goings on. I was delighted to see how much Willow has grown and as always, the rest of your family. It is neat to see them playing the violin. I just started a typepad blog at and I am having problems with proper sizing for photos and posting with Typepad. If you have a minute could you give me some tips?
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