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Jenni Lynn
"Sticks"-ville in the heart of central Florida
I am a fabulous 36 year old woman trapped in the body of a 62 year old gingam wearing granny....when did that happen?
Interests: The Ocean...creating beautiful things...nature...plants...Grand-babies...bird watching...tearing up rags and sewing them back in big water...
Recent Activity
The basket is a container, a holding, a protector. Your stitching and weaving it as you decide the new forms your sharing will take. Again I watch you making the story alive and deep with cloth. Thank you for sharing in whatever way you wish.
How does my basket grow?
Like a tree. Rings of self. As we emerge from winter I find myself considering many things. Mostly how I might move forward with Diaries. What form it will take. I know my teaching has taken a turn inward. How to share that is the question. What is it to me? Where am I in all of this fl...
Considering in January
Considering direction, focus, context. All the while held by weave. Might ones eye become as a basket, a vessel, for gathering, keeping things seemingly weightless for the moment? I'll be doing more considering than stitching for a while. Company is coming and the campground needs some ti...
Yes, with that single antler...(they do grow back)...beautiful lessons!
A sense of that which cannot be lost
What drew me into the studio? Out of the room we are heating for the winter. Was it the light? Sunshine!. Thank you I said to myself. The morning mist sucked it up. As if each droplet of mist rising was filled to the brim with morning. Singing. Blinding but then not. A different sense of ...
Nature can be the gateway to the Magic we forget is always there...LOVE
A sense of that which cannot be lost
What drew me into the studio? Out of the room we are heating for the winter. Was it the light? Sunshine!. Thank you I said to myself. The morning mist sucked it up. As if each droplet of mist rising was filled to the brim with morning. Singing. Blinding but then not. A different sense of ...
Working on a cloth that has found a new direction by seeing something here, again. So happy you have a new sidekick to keep you amused. :)
Cold but flowing
Colder tonight than expected. Just a better view of some of the newer flow recently stitched. These paths have presented an opportunity to add more feathers. The ones on lighter grounds blend in well. Right beneath the snake, you can see a color change. There is no backing there, I need to...
Thinking of you warmly wrapped in Home.
Settling into winter
Today, a day that will only get colder as it goes, has me considering survival and a cloth I was calling The Tendency to Pull Together and still do. How much time has passed since I began this cloth. How season reminds me of the great circle. And how things rest. Seem to rest, all the w...
No better way to start the New Year than with a cat visit. He has marked you for his own. Cheers and blessings for this fresh new year.
Day 1
12:01 AM I'll need an address of course. 8:00 AM Tang came for breakfast, peed on the glass door and left. But not before giving me that look. Today I will clean the windows and bring in more wood. Big snow and big freeze coming.
I love seeing this view. It's like living on a boat - all ship-shape. Blessings.
Space and Place
Living in basically one room through the cold months, living with less, more time to look at what we live with. Mom and Dad have always been on the mantle. I notice them there now. More often. We shuffled things around and moved the couch near the fire. It folds out. We tidy a lot. Clutter ...
I'm blown always.
Beyond Wingspan
I made headway today. Into the through space that defines going beyond the span of the wings. This is important. It is a hopeful place that conquers fear and reinforces trust. A channel, a ring of vision that has imagination as a guide. Edges can dissolve here but the circle will ...
Seeing Magic Cloth is like greeting an old friend :) Love picturing your sewing chair and seeing what you create there.
Adding big weave to the equation
I have found new space. In between. On the right, the Magic Cloth still in progress. On the left, big kilim form Turkey. In the middle a space to imagine some new journey. Because in this coming year, the year after I became old, while traveling here and there, I will be cloth whispe...
First flight
There is a ring of space on this cloth I still call Home. Where the little winged things will gather. Keepers of The Going. Carried by the wind. Today I have begun to detail the first one. Appropriate really since travel plans have been set and soon enough new wings will be tested. We are jus...
This is a beautiful example to me of how you see story in image. Thank you for sharing this poignant story with us. xoxox
...Just another Journey...
Thoughts about traveling. About going. About how that is that we go. Here, There. When Mom was ill, I took many photos. Images were so important to me. To record. I wanted to be able to relive moments without the context of expectation. Then, after she left, I looked and thought, I c...
The piece you created for Grace is so amazing. I love the way this "basket" feel so solid yet open so the important things can fall through. Also how some wefts are broken with their ends flying in the breeze ... always wowing me.
I was thinking how Patched might not be not mended
On this doodle Wednesday
I can definitely see the resemblance...sweet!
This and that
On the wall in the autumn sun, a picture of my son at age 7 in my mother's beach hat. The slip sliding cloth continues with the addition of a leftover from Magic Cloth 2. I have a lot on my mind, but not a lot to say about it. The weather is oddly warm.
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