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Tamela Williams
Recent Activity
Tamela Williams is now following Jason Whitaker
Feb 28, 2012
Hi Jason,
I just read the above comment. I do Daily Five!! It's great because it teaches students how to read for a sustained amount of time. The revelation of this is that students actually need to be taught where to sit, how to sit, and practice for increments building up to 20 minutes.
I hope this helps.
D.E.A.R time disaster
My school is doing DEAR (Drop everything and read) this week. I'd much rather us do it everyday, but it's not in the culture of the school. So today I set up each pod of students with 12 books of random interest and kinds. We started Dear at 2 pm, by 2:08 EVERYSTUDENTCLAIMEDTHEYHADREADEVERYBOOK!...
Tamela Williams is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 28, 2012
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