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Tamerie Shriver
Recent Activity
I will definitely start saving, instead of just recycling, my magazines for you. I always hate putting them in the can, knowing somebody somewhere would like to read it. Now, they can!!! Love and hugs, Tamerie
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2010 on "Sweetpeas" Craft Cafe.... at sweetpeas & snapshots
Hi Mary I am going to do a post about your new store, probably tomorrow. If there is anything specifically you'd like me to include, beyond the obvious, let me know. I have some pictures from when I first met you in December 2008 at your house that I'll use. Anyway, it sounds like things are coming along nicely, in spite of the splinters and sore everything! Hugs, Tamerie
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2010 on Vintage Everything.... at sweetpeas & snapshots
I used to do embroidery when I was a teenager. Then I took up counted cross stitch, which I loved. I don't do either anymore. No time and terrible light in my house. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! In any case, I like what you've done so far. Love and hugs, Tamerie
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2010 on Living Like Royalty... at Maigirlz Madness
1 reply
Oh Michelle, I am both happy and sad for you. I will send extra prayers for your new grandson and your daughter and her husband. Have a safe trip and I look forward to hearing that all is well. Love and hugs, Tamerie
Toggle Commented Mar 1, 2010 on Heading to Michigan at Michelle Legler
1 reply
Okay, it's official. I want to be YOU when I grow up!!!
Toggle Commented Feb 28, 2010 on If Scrappy Jessi Likes It.... at Maigirlz Madness
1 reply
Your table looks beautiful! I, personally, do not enjoy cooking, though I am a good cook. I love the IDEA of it, just not the reality. And no way am I cooking for just myself. It's not the I don't think I'm worth (of course I am) I just can't be bothered, especially after working all day. Anyway, Happy Saturday to you! Hugs, Tamerie
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2010 on Dining In at EdytheAnne
1 reply
Have fun at Out of the Blue. Sorry I won't see you there. I'll be at the Point Loma Farmer's Market. Hugs, Tamerie
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2010 on Reflections.... at sweetpeas & snapshots
Lovely pictures! We were up in Laguna on Saturday for the day. My cousins are up there the entire week (ski week) and isn't the weather cooperating beautifully? I just love Laguna Beach. And it looks like Fae liked it as well. You are lucky to live so near. Hugs, Tamerie
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2010 on Laguna Beach at Soul Humming
1 reply
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Feb 6, 2010