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Tami Tucker
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This really hit home for me and TOTALLY cracked me up because it is OH SO TRUE! There is just WAY to much info about Lice/Louse etc!! And Keri is the go to girl. I love how her and her mom's minds work. If they can't figure it all out, no one can. We found a louse in my son's head...ya know the BIG one! It was SUPER creepy! Sydney came home with it from her Dad's in Vermont so, State to State traveling lice!! I ended up having to cover Sydney & Colin's heads in vaseline, saran wrap, and shower caps for 8+ hours to suffocate them out. And of course washing, washing, throwing stuff out, and YES spraying down the seats! And you know what, I totally think that our tax payers money should go towards the bus drivers spraying those seats down occasionally! I'm ALL for it! LOL CRAZY!!
Toggle Commented Sep 27, 2011 on T'was a CRAZY week. at Everyday Epiphanies
Thinking of you and praying for you from Delaware! I saw an episode of those steps from one of my fav shows, "Dog the Bounty Hunter" ;)
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2011 on ...because I can at Everyday Epiphanies
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Jun 18, 2011