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Christi Neill for Kids' City
Chicago, IL
Kids' City: the Multi-Site Children's Ministry of COMMUNITY Christian Church (
Recent Activity
Thanks Dani. You are not alone on the mission! Children's ministry and multi-site are all about taking steps out of our comfort zones! Keep up the great work.
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2010 on Thinking it through at Multi-Site Kids
Christi Neill for Kids' City is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thanks, Jessie! Sure you don't want to move to Chicago? :)
Toggle Commented Nov 9, 2009 on Chasing a New Dream at
You know it! This will make for the best "Where were you when the Bears won the Super Bowl?" story. By the way...funny that the link on Pat's name takes you to Dave's blog. They really are the uni-mind.
Toggle Commented Jan 26, 2007 on Bears at Eric's Eddyfications
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