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Wow thanks Zygna, I installed your toolbar and then i ended up with a virus on my computer. As for farmville my dog ran away because you wouldn't let me feed her after i had already do so for 12 days in a row. I did not receive my 40 free cans of gas and my crop withered. You know this game is really starting to suck. I want my stuff back. We should not be punished for your stupid technical issues. We work very hard on our farms and we should be able to keep the things we purchase and we should be able to collect our gifts.
Withering and Runaway Puppies Temporarily Turned Off!
Howdy Farmers! We have fixed most of our technical issues. We will leave wither turned off and your puppies will not run away until at least 8:00am PDT tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience! Play FarmVille Now:
Tanyalgallant is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 1, 2010
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