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Tara Rodden Robinson
Corvallis, OR
The Productivity Maven
Recent Activity
Hi Martha, My dear, I am the lucky one, to have the beautiful you in my life! It was such a joy to SEE you yesterday!! Your smile made my day feel so happy and joyous. I'm so grateful that you enjoyed the post. I am so, so determined to write from my heart. With love, Tara
Hi Thekla, Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. With love, Tara
Hi Debbie, So great to hear from you! Thanks for thinking about me. Glad you enjoyed the post. With love, Tara
I almost burned the house down. Years ago, when we lived in Auburn, Alabama. Every morning I would light a candle or some incense in the bathroom. One morning, when I scratched the strike anywhere kitchen match against the box,... Continue reading
Hi Paul, Thanks so much for dropping by! Glad you enjoyed the post! I recently got a treadmill desk so I'm looking forward to learning how that affects my creativity, too. I'll keep you posted! Best wishes, Tara
Hey Matt, Thanks for popping over! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. You've got some great vids on your site: great job! Much success to you, Tara
@Karen: So glad to hear from you! How are you doing up in PDX? We miss you here in Corvallis!! :) @Rebecca: Yay! I love perfect timing!! Many, many blessings for you as you listen to your gut and trust your instincts. With love to you both, Tara
@Mark: Your "Yaowssaaa!" thrilled my heart. Seriously! Thanks so much for reciprocating with your own story. I can't wait to read your posts on your blog--keep me in the loop so I can celebrate your success, okay? @Sandra: Oh, Sandra, thank you sooooo much! I am so grateful for that, "...I can't wait to read more!" from you. :) That's high praise! :) With love to you both, Tara
@Thekla: Thanks so much! I'm glad you found it inspiring. :) @Kim: Glad you enjoyed it! I'd been feeling so dry and uninspired and then I read Jonathan's call for stories and I was off and running. Yay! @Brian: You are so sweet! It's good to be back. :) With love to you all, Tara
Once upon a time...I was a nurse. In an abusive marriage. Living with a yearning. If you’ve never experienced a yearning, you are both blessed and cursed. Blessed because undefined, crampy, incurable yearnings are gut wrenchingly uncomfortable. Cursed: I can’t... Continue reading
Today's guest contributer is Brandy Walker. Brandy Walker is a digital pastor, and copy writer. On her blog, brandyglows, she plays with words to inspire real change and help creative entrepreneurs. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.... Continue reading
Hi Dear Jean, Thank you so much for your feedback and encouragement. I am grateful for your presence here! Sometimes it feels scary to put myself out here like this but I feel so strongly that it's the right thing to do. with love, Tara
Tara Rodden Robinson is now following Daniel Franks
Aug 19, 2011
Hi Daniel, Thanks so much for your kind condolences. I'm so grateful for your encouragement and support. Yay for realness! With best wishes, Tara
Hi Allie, Thanks!! I appreciate your encouraging words more than you know!! With love, Tara
Hi Brian, Thanks so much for your kind feedback. I'm so glad you enjoyed the prayer--it's one of my favorites. I am so sad for your loss; suicide is especially difficult and heartrending, I think. My prayers are with you, too! And I am grateful for your encouragement, more than you know. With love, Tara
Hi Allie, Thank you SO MUCH! I am so grateful for your encouragement and support. With love, Tara
Hi David, Thanks for the Amen! :) Best wishes, Tara
I feel like death warmed over this morning. I do not use this phrase lightly, having just laid a beloved one to rest but no other wording comes close to describing how yucky I feel after another night of insomnia.... Continue reading
Dearest Larry, Thank you so much for your comment and your warm feedback. After I wrote this, I hesitated to put it out but then a friend of mine posted a wonderful piece on his blog (The hard things that count and I thought, "Well, maybe this will help someone," and so off it went. And you are absolutely right: my dad is no longer suffering! Today, he walks tall, hears perfectly, and is completely pain free. God be praised! With love to you, my brother in Christ, Tara
After my dad got sick, I took an unusual interest in topics like death and dying and grieving. In reading numerous blogs and various articles, I encountered a sort of snarky arrogance in some of them. Especially the lists that... Continue reading
Today's guest contributer is Augusto Pinaud. Augusto currently lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is married and has a little girl and two dogs who keep him company. He spends his day teaching his daughter things, writing, and washing dishes,... Continue reading
Hi Debbie, I've thought of you often in the past days and am grateful to hear from you. I agree: this is very much a daily practice, to be hospitable to each emotion that shows up. I would be thrilled to have a guest post from you on this topic--I was telling my mom just this morning that I truly believe everything that's happening to me is working together for my good, in Christ. Write when the inspiration comes to you, your guest spot is waiting whenever you're ready. With love, Tara
Dear Jean, Thank you so much for your kind condolences. I love this poem by Rumi. It reminds me to be present with whatever comes and stay alert for what lessons there are for me in each experience. With gratitude, Tara
Dear Sandra, Thank you so much for your kind condolences. With gratitude, Tara