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Tara Anderson
Boulder, Colorado
I worked at Lijit for 3.5 years and maintained this blog the entire time. Everything I learned at Lijit is here.
Interests: running, reading, writing, learning to cook new things, backpacking, skiing, dark chocolate, live music, massage therapy, riding my bike (mt. or road)
Recent Activity
Leaving Lijit
It's time to close this chapter and start a new one. I'm leaving Lijit to move on, learn new things and challenge myself. The past three and a half years have been amazing and I wanted to break it down... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2010 at I Quit for LIJIT...
Tara Anderson is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Glimmers of hope
I often find myself doubting the relevancy of television news. Does anyone (besides my parents) still get their information from that outdated medium? All of the breaking news I hear about comes to me via Twitter. It's where I learned... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2010 at I Quit for LIJIT...
Megan, many thanks for taking the time to check out Lijit and install our search on your site. We appreciate your support and welcome any feedback you might have.
Additionally, if you or any of your readers have questions, feel free to send them my way. I'm tara [at] lijit [dot] com and am happy to help!
just the rundown
Photo by Daneila Vladimirova That's not me, but the sentiment is pretty accurate. Juggling. Always, but lately more than usual. So here's some stuff. 1) I absolutely loved the discussion following Heavy on the Sorta! I guess I didn't realize how little I share about my non-crunchy side ar...
Playing the straight man...
has never been a strong suit of mine. As you will see in this video I did with Kutenda (a marketing company located just up the road from Lijit) about how blogging can help your small business. It was very... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at I Quit for LIJIT...
Ben, thanks for sharing this workout. I've noticed more and more that hotels are now charging guests to use their exercise rooms. As someone who embraces the frugal lifestyle (especially while traveling), your in-room workout is right up my cheapskate alley.
Working Out With Nothing but a Floor
When you're on-the-go, finding a gym can be hard and going for a run outside is always fraught with the risk of getting lost. So I now pack two good exercise tools in my suitcase that allow me to do a workout anywhere, anytime: 1. Jump rope - A jump rope is light, compact, and use-able anywhere....
When the ball breaks...**
One of the many things that I love about working for a startup like Lijit is that when an interesting opportunity presents itself, we're quick to take advantage. This is not often the case when dealing with a corporation. Old-school... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2009 at I Quit for LIJIT...
Ignite Boulder 6: Ladies Take Over
I'm about to get all gushy. Ignite Boulder does it to me every time. I don't know if it's because I've been to every one that Andrew Hyde has organized here in Boulder or because I've spoken at 50% of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2009 at I Quit for LIJIT...
Jody, thanks for choosing to use Lijit and for mentioning our service to your readers. With all the excellent content you produce, I'm glad that we can help your readers find even more of it.
If you, or any of your readers, have questions about Lijit, feel free to send them my way. I'm tara [at] lijit [dot] com and I'm happy to help!
Search for great trading content!
A quick reminder in case you're looking to do some reading/reseach this weekend: we've already gathered quite a bit of great trading content on this blog. If you're just joining in, make sure you browse the categories and use the Lijit search tool. This will get you to all the good articles and ...
Eric, thanks for the Lijit love and your entry into our storytelling contest. We definitely appreciate the local support.
The winner of the contest will be announced tomorrow so stay tuned for more details...
“Second Mom”: August 2009
A couple times in the last few months, Simone has asked me when she would be getting a “second Mom.” She even mentioned the Peach as a good candidate. My tendency is to smile, shrug, say something like, “It’s going to be a while, sweetheart,” and change the conversation. But Simone seems to have ...
Chicks Who Click--West Coast Edition
I'm excited that Lijit is going to be a sponsor for this weekend's Chicks Who Click conference, taking place in San Jose. This will be the third one I've attended and probably the one I'm most excited for. After hearing... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2009 at I Quit for LIJIT...
Carl, thanks for giving Lijit a try and for installing our wijit on your blog. We appreciate the support.
If you (or any of your readers) have questions about Lijit, feel free to send them my way. I'm happy to help. Send questions to tara [at] lijit [dot] com.
As you may have noticed, I recently added a search engine function to Insight Scoop (see upper left hand corner). Several readers have asked about a search engine, and I finally put on my dusty, poorly fitted techie hat and made it happen. I also added a "Share" bar, and I am looking at other wi...
Adore the list and am so glad that I, too, am one of those women who will stand (somewhat) patiently in line for a free sex toy. Because if I were not that kind of women, I would never have met you. Of course, I'm also the kind of woman who also wins a vibrator after already receiving one in a swag you be the judge.
Love your snarky eyebrow trick and wish I could do it. Thanks for the laughs and for using Lijit. ;)
Don't Say I Never Did Anything For You
I doubt anyone says this enough about their readers, so can I just be the first to say that I have THE MOST INCREDIBLE READERS EVER IN THE HISTORY OF BLOGGING. Why? Let me count the ways: First and foremost you've been the key to my sanity and a very literal lifeline over the past five-and-a-...
I love this book. Seriously. We were given it as a "joke" gift but it sits proudly in our bathroom where anyone can use it as a reference guide. I think we can all learn a lot from shit. (Excuse my language.)
What’s Your Poo Telling You?
Yes, it's a real book. I have to bring this up because no one does, and it's important! I first saw this book when Ritu posted up on Facebook joking about it. I said "eew" and brushed it off, but then gave it a real thought, and realized I have NO CLUE what my poo's telling me, or what makes ...
Love this post! Thanks for sharing the many reasons to use Lijit...and I'm honored to have made it on the list. We appreciate our users, especially when they do such a great job of explaining why Lijit is awesome.
Not sure if you know, but we're currently running a Lijit storytelling contest and this would be a perfect entry. You just need to leave a comment on our blog post ( with a link to this post and you're in the running to win a Kindle!
Thanks again.
Search me? 10 reasons why you should use a Lijit search box on your blog
Aside from creating captivating content, you need to encourage your visitors to spend more time on your site. One way to do this is by adding a search box on your blog so they can look up other topics you may have posted about. There are a zillion search widgets out there, so why use Lijit’s ...
Loved seeing your glowing face, did not even notice your ankles, and enjoyed the brief moment we had to talk. Thanks for being one of the generous co-hosts of People's Party and for being yourself.
End of Days
BlogHer is over. I have plenty to share with you about the conference, but as a mom blogger in attendance, I need to return to the “mom” role for a few days. Q is starting kindergarten next week. To say that I am not excited about his entering the never-ending zone that is school attendance p...
Showing a gnome around Boulder
I often find myself doing odd things because of my job. Slap a sticker on a drunk Guy Kawasaki? Check. Put your head through a whiteboard made to look like a widget? Check. Take a gnome around Boulder and give... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2009 at I Quit for LIJIT...
Thanks for installing Lijit on your blog and for writing a post about us, Jan! We appreciate both.
If you (or any of your readers) have questions about Lijit, feel free to send them my way. I'm happy to help and can be contacted here: tara [at] lijit [dot] com.
searching within
The blog, that is :) Now you can search through my blog without having to read through pages and pages of endless rambling. I was so tired of searching through my own blog for things to reference, that I decided it was time to have a wee search engine here. Hope it makes reading this blog easier...
Sarah, thanks for installing Lijit on your blog and for writing a post about our service. We greatly appreciate both.
I gather that you're friends with Greg and we're super excited to have him join the Lijit family. He starts work next week and his energy is going to be contagious!
If you or any of your readers have questions about Lijit, feel free to send them my way. (Or you can ask Greg!) I'm tara [at] lijit [dot] com.
get your search on
Check out the new search can't miss it....move your eyes about 5 inches to the left...a little more....a little more.....THAT'S IT! TK brought this service to my attention tonight, and I have to say, I think it is DARN COOL. It's a way to search the places where I regularly parade...
Indie movies taking a tip from indie music
When your industry is out of the mainstream, why would you market in a mainstream way? On today's sign-up report, I saw that a blog all about the making, and promoting, of an independent film was on there. The movie... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2009 at I Quit for LIJIT...
OMG...yes, yes, and yes! (Thanks SixApart!)
MamaPopRocks!: A Sparklecorn Extravaganza
[NOTE: This post contains information about the event, but RSVPing is closed on this post. Provided spots are still available, you can now RSVP for the party HERE.] Friends of MamaPop, I bring you tidings of great joy. Great sparkly, glitter-drenched joy. MamaPop's throwing a party at BlogHer....
Thanks for giving us a try on your blog and for the post, Jared. We appreciate both.
I'll do some test searches and insure that your search results are looking good, but if you (or any of your readers) have questions, feel free to send them my way. I'm tara [at] lijit [dot] com.
Thanks to the lovely people at Lijit, this blog finally has a search capability that isn't miserable. The searchbar is over on the left - the default looks through the blog, but you get a handy (if somewhat annoying) pop-over screen that also volunteers to snoop through Twitter, other (friendly)...
Names can be deceiving
Part of my daily morning routine is to check out the blogs who signed up with Lijit the day before. I love starting my day like this because you never know what kind of randomness you'll end up seeing. Sometimes... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2009 at I Quit for LIJIT...
Thanks for giving Lijit a try on your blog. We appreciate your support and the mention in your blog post. If you (or any of your readers) have questions about Lijit, feel free to send them my way.
I'm tara [at] lijit [dot] com and I'm happy to help!
Purple Pointr re-design
Some of the people whose blogs I admire for their content and cleanness in design have the navigator on the right side. Overall I find that more natural to focus reading on the newest article starting left top and then drift over to "more" or "diversions" on the right. So I tried that. What do ...
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