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Planners and Bullet Journals and Bible Journals
If you follow me on instagram or pinterest you may have heard me rabbiting on about the bullet journal system. Whenever anyone asks about planners/diaries etc I always link them up because I kid you not it's CHANGED MY LIFE.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2015 at A Collection of Thoughts
Hey :) Oh my goodness year 9 ! of course the girls are year 7 eeek. What happened to those years of them all loving the holidays crafting :) Goes so fast. Three teams you are amazing! Not much crafting happening here these days but I still play with paper - of course - it's in the blood!
I have missed the blogging online world. It's been 15 + months since I landed here. During that time I have kept up online with instagram and facebook to a certain extent but it's not the same. When I sit do to do project life or to write in a journal I find I have very little detail. Much has c...
Thank you Lovely :) I feel like I'm still in touch with you as I watch your adventures on facebook but its nice to be back in this space again.
I have missed the blogging online world. It's been 15 + months since I landed here. During that time I have kept up online with instagram and facebook to a certain extent but it's not the same. When I sit do to do project life or to write in a journal I find I have very little detail. Much has c...
I hear you Denise - I sort of felt the same way with blogging. While I loved the photo a day thing and I kept it up for ages I stopped when work overtook too many hours and I felt there wasn't anything I could take photos of - which is silly. I'm sad that so much time has gone past and i have very little documented but meh - I'll just get on from now. Plodding is a great way to explain it.
I have missed the blogging online world. It's been 15 + months since I landed here. During that time I have kept up online with instagram and facebook to a certain extent but it's not the same. When I sit do to do project life or to write in a journal I find I have very little detail. Much has c...
Thanks Deb :)
I have missed the blogging online world. It's been 15 + months since I landed here. During that time I have kept up online with instagram and facebook to a certain extent but it's not the same. When I sit do to do project life or to write in a journal I find I have very little detail. Much has c...
I have missed the blogging online world. It's been 15 + months since I landed here. During that time I have kept up online with instagram and facebook to a certain extent but it's not the same. When I sit... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2015 at A Collection of Thoughts
Soda Stream - Yay or nay?
I've been considering getting a soda stream. They seem to have come back into fashion again. Obviously I'm not into it for the syrups but I have seen some great recipes. I was teetering and then I read this article.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
On my screen
What ya been watching? I have been totally sucked into the bachelor! I know I should be embarrassed to admit it but seriously have you seen it? What on earth were the girls thinking? If I wasn't already glued I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
Crafty Christmas
I'm not even going to pretend that I'm going to get much crafting done this Christmas but that doesn't stop me from wishing that I'd win lotto and be able to stay home and craft to my hearts content. I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
We are off to Japan
About two months ago jet star released cheap flights to Japan. I have been wanting to take the girls forever. It's the perfect mix of culture and diversity that would suit my two's personalities to a T. So we are... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
Back Ups and Break downs
I have been unlucky with technology this year. To be honest I've probably been very lucky in the past. I've had no back up system and have lost very little. That has all changed though and after some big hits... Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
Thank you lovely :) You are up early ! Not sleeping well?
Right Now
Ali Edwards often writes a ten things write now style blog post about her children. I thought that might be a nice way to document where they are at right now. I've been a little lapsed in taking notes. I snapped this shot tonight just before we headed out to our neighbours - who have just sold...
Right Now
Ali Edwards often writes a ten things write now style blog post about her children. I thought that might be a nice way to document where they are at right now. I've been a little lapsed in taking notes. I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
These Days
source The last few months have passed like sand dropping through an hourglass. When you watch it seems infinitely slow. But when you look away and are drawn back time has marched on. I wondered how to come back to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
I agree totally! If Richard and I discussed it we would end up divorced for sure lol.
Hope the link is helpful for you
Tamar x
Election Advertising
I'm not sure if I am just more aware at the moment but the TV seems to be running hot with ads for all parties and none of them are saying much at all. The girls were watching one the other night and started nodding and agreeing with what the character was saying. Richard and I took the opportu...
Election Advertising
I'm not sure if I am just more aware at the moment but the TV seems to be running hot with ads for all parties and none of them are saying much at all. The girls were watching one the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
Week in the Life 2013
via Are you playing this year? I do some variation of this every year and I'm keen to make a little album that I send away to get printed. every year I say nah I don't need those templates... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 3, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
Clean Eating on Pinterest
Pinterest went down for a few hours the other night. I was not happy! It's my zone out time and I justify it because I'm saving important things. Like these new clean eating recipes that I am now sharing with... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
Jot Issue 2
The second issue of Jot has hit the stands (or airwaves). It's a rather amazing jampacked edition of 160 pages. I am loving Kim's uber talented Design Team. Did I mention it's free????? Here is a peak at my section... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
Queensland Plan Thank You
Thank you to everyone who responded to my request to have a say about healthy lifestyle for my Queensland plan post :) I have submitted a response based on your comments and thrown some of my own in about Education... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
August is Over
With a blink August finished! I love my iphone so much. I rarely take my camera out these days. Without fail I try to take a photo a day - just something that captures what is going on. Its a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
I can see it now - a packet if Tim tams with a warning label - one biscuit = 1kilometre run! I too love the idea of daylight saving though it doesnt seem like thats ever going to be likely. I stayed on Tassie and was shocked at how light it was till so late. It would certainly allow us to make the most of our beautiful beaches. Thanks for your comments. Tamar
Queensland Plan
sponsored by Nuffnang I have lived in Queensland for more than 35 years and I love it. I can't imagine living anywhere else. Have you heard about the Queensland plan? It's our chance to have a say on the future of Queensland. The plan is designed to go beyond politics and personal priorities ...
Thanks Paul - hopefully the Queensland plan will help develop a way forward for those two areas of health and education. They are the areas that touch every person and can make the biggest difference. Thanks for your input Ill be sure to include your comments. Tamar
Queensland Plan
sponsored by Nuffnang I have lived in Queensland for more than 35 years and I love it. I can't imagine living anywhere else. Have you heard about the Queensland plan? It's our chance to have a say on the future of Queensland. The plan is designed to go beyond politics and personal priorities ...
I hear you Suzan. I have noticed there is a number of conflicting stories in the papers and on current affairs programs about wait times and services available. I think the true indicators are individual stories. Its only from people sharing them that we can truly assess how we are traveling. Working in education I know too well the frustration for families and students who dont fit the mould. Some schools and teachers are better at finding answers than others. Thanks for giving your views I will ensure they are added to my response
Tamar x
Queensland Plan
sponsored by Nuffnang I have lived in Queensland for more than 35 years and I love it. I can't imagine living anywhere else. Have you heard about the Queensland plan? It's our chance to have a say on the future of Queensland. The plan is designed to go beyond politics and personal priorities ...
500 Days of Summer
As I went to flick off the TV last Sunday night this movie caught my eye. 500 days of Summer. I hadn't heard of it at all and when I mentioned at school how much I enjoyed it I had... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2013 at A Collection of Thoughts
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