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Taryn Knight
Recent Activity
I think it was Burk! Wasn't it you Burk? you had like one day only or half a day. You took pictures and notes of all you could then shared it with us. Didn't you also keep some of it from us for a while? Only because you had to. Great memory Mr.Wgfinley
Burk Sauls: Our friends are finally free...
I feel like I have a big family here on internet through blogs, discussion lists and from benefits and fundraisers and countless other events that so many people have created and managed. People who go WAY back with us to the very beginnings when we thought we were all alone and crazy sometimes ...
I think it was Burk! Wasn't that you Burk? You had like only one day or part of a day, you took pictures and notes of all that you could. Great memory Mr. Wgfinley!
Burk Sauls: Our friends are finally free...
I feel like I have a big family here on internet through blogs, discussion lists and from benefits and fundraisers and countless other events that so many people have created and managed. People who go WAY back with us to the very beginnings when we thought we were all alone and crazy sometimes ...
I think it was Burk!! It was you Burk right? You had like one day only and took pictures and notes of all that you could. Good Memory Wgfinley!
Burk Sauls: Our friends are finally free...
I feel like I have a big family here on internet through blogs, discussion lists and from benefits and fundraisers and countless other events that so many people have created and managed. People who go WAY back with us to the very beginnings when we thought we were all alone and crazy sometimes ...
wasn't that Dan Stidham?
Burk Sauls: Our friends are finally free...
I feel like I have a big family here on internet through blogs, discussion lists and from benefits and fundraisers and countless other events that so many people have created and managed. People who go WAY back with us to the very beginnings when we thought we were all alone and crazy sometimes ...
Taryn Knight added a favorite at Exonerate the WM3 Official Blog
Aug 24, 2011
Yes! Chris W! He was so kind and sent me a video tape of some Court TV stuff I missed. Man, life before youtube and DVR's. How did we ever manage? Thanks Chris!
Burk Sauls: Our friends are finally free...
I feel like I have a big family here on internet through blogs, discussion lists and from benefits and fundraisers and countless other events that so many people have created and managed. People who go WAY back with us to the very beginnings when we thought we were all alone and crazy sometimes ...
Burk, That was so beautifully written. Thank you for doing so. I find myself checking this blog for updates at least every hour since their release. I was one of the people there from the early days. I remember sitting in the computer lab at college in San Francisco and chatting with all of you on the news group page. That all seems so archaic now. I plastered that city with flyers time and time again over the years. I want to Thank you so much for always being there with up-to-date info, to answer questions and send me image files. You guys always responded to me right away. I have a lot of love in my heart for all of you. You are very good people and the world needs more people like you. Jason, if you read this, Hi! We used to write and talk on the phone a while back. I'm so very happy for you. You would talk about how much you missed your cat. You liked to hang on the Dock with him. I hope when you settle into a new place you get a new kitten to love. I'm so happy for all of you. I've been tearing up since friday on and off. I have a lot of emotions tied up in all of you and your case. It's hard not to have an outlet to express it. Just know I'm here and ready to continue the fight. XXXOOO, Taryn Knight
Burk Sauls: Our friends are finally free...
I feel like I have a big family here on internet through blogs, discussion lists and from benefits and fundraisers and countless other events that so many people have created and managed. People who go WAY back with us to the very beginnings when we thought we were all alone and crazy sometimes ...
Taryn Knight is now following Burk
Aug 22, 2011
Taryn Knight is now following WM3
Aug 22, 2011
Taryn Knight added a favorite at Exonerate the WM3 Official Blog
Aug 21, 2011
Taryn Knight is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 21, 2011
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