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Tatted Librarian
Flemingdon Park Branch - Toronto Public Library
Loves working with youth, zombies and all things tattoo related
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Of course, there is Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Scott O'Malley
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Tatted Librarian is now following TPL Staff
Mar 4, 2012
This list is amazing!!! Thank you for posting it. A couple more related items: Jullian Fellowes, the writer and creator of Downton Abbey, also wrote the Oscar winning film, Godsford Park which is extremely similar in nature. Upstairs, Downstairs - the ITV the 1970s series that Downton Abbey was partially based on. Starring Jean Marsh Upstairs, Downstairs (2010) - the revived series starring Jean Marsh Below Stairs The Bestselling Memoirs of a 1920s Kitchen Maid - by Powell, Margaret, 1907-1984 Climbing the stairs : [further tales of a 1920s kitchen maid] - the sequel to the title listed above All of these titles are available in the TPL catalogue.
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I love Sarah Dessen. I read it immediately when it came out. I love how she will find ways to reincorporate some of her old characters/settings into her novels.
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2011 on Teen Reviews August 2, 2011 at Word Out 2011
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There is another great book called Cut by Patricia McCormick that I highly recommend too.. It's really good.
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2011 on Teen Reviews August 2, 2011 at Word Out 2011
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I love how in the Sisterhood Series,they quote one of my heros - Henry Rollins (google him right now!).
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2011 on Teen Reviews August 3, 2011 at Word Out 2011
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I'm definitely going to look into reading Skin.. thanks for the review.
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2011 on Teen Reviews August 1, 2011 at Word Out 2011
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Tiger Eyes is one of my favourite books. I remember reading it in grade 8. I found in my teacher's book display, and she just let me read it while the class was going on. I couldn't put it down..
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2011 on Teen Reviews August 1, 2011 at Word Out 2011
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I should totally try to run one of those programs here at Flemo... I think that it would be a bucket of laughs..
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2011 on The Cuter Book at Word Out 2011
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I love love love love love love John Green.. and all his awesomeness.. This was a great book with some memorable moment. "you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose!"
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2011 on An Even Split at Word Out 2011
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I am in love with Jane Austen. Love Love love that time period and the way that they talked. I could spend an entire afternoon conversing in that language all afternoon ;)
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I am currently reading two things. 1) Bam Margera's Serious as Dog Dirt (I just got it today, so happy!!!!)I blogged about this on Friday. 2) Carrie by Stephen King.. so far this is really good.
Toggle Commented Jul 19, 2011 on What's Everyone Reading This Week? at Word Out 2011
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13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher is an AMAZING book. I loved it so much, and cried so hard.. It is so gut wrenching that you know that no matter what Clay does, it won't change the ending. great pick!
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2011 on Teen Reviews July 12, 2011 at Word Out 2011
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I completely agree, harry potter 4 and 5 were....choppy, I guess is the right word for it. I found that if you didn't read the book that the viewer had NO IDEA what was going on. Although I did really like how they kept the escape of the twins in the movie. total nerd fact. the same guy who wrote the first three didn't write 4 and 5, but came back to write the rest of them.
Toggle Commented Jul 6, 2011 on From Book to Big Screen at Word Out 2011
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ooh, Ash, this is a good post. I think that the most perfectly casted film is still the Harry Potter Series. Alan Rickman as Snape was PERFECT.. and I could gush on and on about that. Just about how I could talk about the Twilight Casting, but I'll bite my tongue...for now. Speaking of biting...I would just like to add for all of those zombies fans out there, that they are also now filming Max Brook's Epic, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, with Brad Pitt (by the way, an excellent choice, although, I could have gone with Johnny Depp as well as the lead) For all of those who like Zombies books or even a military books, I would definitely check this one out. I died and came back several times when I heard this.
Toggle Commented Jul 5, 2011 on From Book to Big Screen at Word Out 2011
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awww.. hmm.. I'm sure that we can help you think of something.. what you are reading now? I find that in the summer, I'm in the mood for graphic novels. *cough cough* Scott Pilgrim *cough cough*
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Dear SS, that is why TPL has the paperback collection. Although they are not catalogued, you can normally skip the line. I would like to compare paperbacks to thrift store shopping. To get at the very good stuff, you need patience and to dig around; It is the thrill of the hunt, you know
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pfft. Nerdy is the new black; and black is always in fashion. I think that your trip so quite heavenly, actually. I am very jealous.
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Bahahahahahahaha... working for the library is so tempting. I'm seriously like a kid in a candy store. I have to keep on reminding myself that maybe someone else would like to borrow them out too I normally do a HP marathon at some point in time during the year too.
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I play guitar too... What songs did you learn? I started with some Beatles- my old faithful!
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The story is about this academic girl, Auden, would goes to her dad's for the summer. Her dad is a writer, and has a new baby girl and a new wife. Auden thinks that the wife is a ditz, and that her employees are shallow and vapid and not as academically focused as she is. well... let's just say that everyone puts her in check. I don't want to give away too much :P
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The movie is a classic from my youth, and the soundtrack is AMAZING.. Black Sabbath - Paranoid The Runaways - Cherry Bomb (the Song that Dakota Fanning covered) I love gay love novels too. There is a really good one, but a bit older called, escape velocity. I think that another one was released recently called, "Pink". But i can't remember the author.
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The Virgin Suicides is a great book! There was a tasteful movie done of it too featuring Sloan, (my favourite band growing up) I just finished re-reading the HP series myself too. can't wait for the movie.
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Hey Snobby_Dora, I love classics too. I would also put Jane Austen on that list. A lot of modern teen fiction is based on her works, I would even go so far to say that a lot of movies too are based on her tales too. I would pick up Pride and Prejuicide as well as Emma. I should put Picture of Dorian Gray on my list too. Cheers
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This has been one of the highlights of the year... I can't believe that it is over. It came and went too soon. I had a blast. Cheers, Adele
Toggle Commented Aug 31, 2010 on Goodbye Until 2011! at Word Out 2010
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