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Danielle Taylor
Recent Activity
Definitely definitely still reading!! I get so excited when I see a new blog post up!!! You are such an overwhelming inspiration!
As We Speak...
Watching Game of Thrones with J. We are way late to the party and just started watching Season 1. Reading The Book of Speculation by Erika Swyler Cooking This spasagna recipe. The noodles were okay but the homemade meat sauce is EXCELLENT. Buying way too many Fauxdori covers from Cak...
You've got this!! I'm so excited to follow your journey!
Whole Life Challenge | Week 0- Thoughts Before I Begin
So I am now three days away from starting the Whole Life Challenge. I plan to blog about my experience and I thought this week was a good place to start. I want to talk about my fears, my expectations, and my thoughts in general. What is the WLC? The Whole Life Challenge is an eight week cha...
I absolutely need these carts fantastic! And I DO have both a World market AND Ikea nearby!! Big shopping in my future!!
Monday with Megan: Trends in Organizing; THE Raskog Cart by IKEA
I’d like to begin by thanking all of you for the amazing comments you left last week. I read each and everyone and appreciate them SO much. You’re a brilliant community and you know how to make a gal feel good. Thank you! Now, let’s get some fine print out of the way regarding this post. I am in...
Beautiful pages!!!
the LOAD 214 blog hop!!!
LOAD 214 Heather Kim Christy Lisa E Lisa H Kelli Dani Valerie Karen...
Great giveaway I've been eyeing a cameo for quite some time :)
Simple Stories, Silhouette & a Giveaway!
Hello friends, it's Layle back with you again today! I have some super exciting news to share along with a FABULOUS giveaway.... You can now find some of our favorite Simple Stories designs as cut files with Silhouette! Visit Simple Stories at the Silhouette Online Store here to see our desi...
Welcome back!! Gorgeous layout!
Scrapbook Layout | Italia- Life is Beautiful.
First and MOST importantly...thank you so much for your compassion regarding the last post I wrote. Thank you so so very much. I am floored and humbled by the response. And yes- you did read the title of this blog post correctly. I actually have a scrapbook layout to share today. Say WHAT? I fin...
I'm sold! Italy has always been my dream place to visit and you are just making it seem more wonderful and beautiful and amazing!! I'll be on the next flight lol!
Downtown Vicenza (Centro)
I have posted a lot about our travels, but the truth is we live in a pretty amazing town. There is so much for us to do right outside of our front door. We live in downtown Vicenza (centro) in an apartment. Now, some people think this is nuts. Here most families choose to live farther out in sma...
Verona looks like a magical place and that video is priceless! I laughed out loud! It can turn any frown upside down!
Fair Verona
Guys- I apologize in advance. This one is L O N G. I started working on it yesterday and just finished it tonight. But I really wanted to share these stories and photos. *** On Saturday we decided that we needed to get out of the hotel room. We didn't plan well and ended up in the car, ready to ...
I'm so excited for you and happy to hear you all made it safe and sound even with the vomit and jet lag. You guys are all rock stars!
getting here and our first few days
So let's get the obvious out of the way first. I love it here. I have eaten some of the best food and tasted some of the best wine that I've ever had. And I haven't even tried the really good places yet. The wine...the wine is amazing. And so much better than my favorite wines at home. I ...
Best of luck to you guys! You will have a fabulous time and Italy is very lucky to have you!!
Addio, dolce amici!
Farewell, sweet friends! I wanted to take a chance to tell you today, as I don't think I'll have a chance to update the blog before we leave. In two days we will fly over the Atlantic Ocean to Venice. We are about to embark on a 3 year adventure. One that will involve seeing places I've drea...
Wow these projects are amazing!!! I love what you created using the embroidery canvas I so want to try that!
More Scrapbook Soup Projects
One of the new things we did for this upcoming season of Scrapbook Soup, was to create a project for each episode that built on something from earlier in the episode. It's a great idea, but it had me in a bit of a panic as I had to create all thirteen of those projects while on set! Eeek! Here...
Well I'm hooked!! Now I know I have to try pocket pages!!
Life Documented with Guest Designer Lain Ehmann
Hello Simple Stories fans! Layle with you once again today, but not for long :) Today I'm excited to introduce a long time friend and fellow scrapbooker, Lain Ehmann. Many of you may know Lain from her website, where she provides skills, tips, and fun to inspire women...
LOAD and Lain have changed the way I scrapbook forever and True Scrap is a must!! I clear my schedule and buckle down for lots and lots of fun and inspiration. I also love Lain's approach, she is realistic and keeps things light and fun and doesn't force any scrapbooking rules on you.
Sponsor/Small Business Spotlight- Layout a Day (LOAD)
Layout a Day is the home of scrapbook superhero Lain Ehmann. Lain saves women from the avalanche of unscrapped photos and helps them make scrapbooking simple, fast, and fun. With free live video "scrapinars" on topics like washi tape, Project Life, photography and design, Lain teaches scrap...
I have a feeling you guys will make magic wherever you go hang on to that and to each other!
photo taken with my iPhone and enhanced with pic tap go my emotions are so very conflicted right now. on one hand, i am overjoyed and full of anticipation. we are moving to ITALY! on the other hand, i am sad and full of trepidation. we are leaving a place where we saw each other every.single...
Oh the Amalfi Coast is absolutely my dream!! I plan to live vicariously through you.
What's On Your...
I got this blog post idea from the fabulous Ali Edwards. photo taken yesterday at the Roger Williams Zoo Here's what's on my... Vanity ⚓ my grandmother's pearls, a tiffany ring holder, a framed b/w print of Mt. Rainier, my pearl earrings Perennial To Do List ⚓ a million things for Italy, run...
Beautiful weekend photos!!! The girls are so expressive their faces always make me smile!
snapshots of our weekend
Happy Monday Y'all! I hope your weekend was wonderful! Our was crammed full with joy, it really was. I wanted to share a few photos with all of you! Oh, and before I forget...there is an awesome Kiwi Crate sale going on right now. 40% off your first crate! Thought you might want to know! :) Okay...
Thank you for this post! I always try to pretend I have it all together - I don't have children and I walk around pretending I'm ok with that. I have problems and I get overwhelmed and it is all ok we just have to be who we are and enjoy the life we are given even if it is not perfect all the time! I'd be happy to help you with some easy recipes if you'd like :)
perception vs. reality
i seriously have no idea what i'm doing half the time. i brew coffee in the keurig without a cup underneath and i don't even notice until the coffee is running off of the countertop and onto the floor. i attempt to make ruby slippers with glitter glue and red glitter...and somehow end up gl...
Great discount! Hope everyone takes advantage True Scrap is my favorite time of the year!!!
True Scrap 4 Offer! Only This Weekend!
Just a super quick line to let you know: You can get 20% off True Scrap 4! This weekend only. Read more here (coupon code inside)! Have a great weekend! See you all next week! :)
So excited about True Scrap 4! I've never missed one and I'm really really excited for this year!!
True Scrap 4 Registration Is Open!
True Scrap 4 registration is now open! I attended True Scrap 3 this spring and I had a blast! Here's the full program for TS4! You can read my review of the True Scrap 3 classes (which now can be bought individually, if you'd like to try a TS class before signing up for TS4). This new TS program...
Danielle Taylor is now following Katie Scott
Dec 4, 2011
Danielle Taylor is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 23, 2010
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