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Jen Taylor
Recent Activity
Looks like you had a awesome time! Thanks for sharing! 😃
Crop& Create Moncton...The Recap...and a GIVEAWAY (at the end)
After a few days of recovery I am here to tell you all about the amazing time the Crop & Create crew had in Moncton!! Such a stellar group of ladies. Grab a drink and pull up a's a long one!! Giveaway at the end!!!! Here's the story... We walked on the tarmac to hop on this ...
Awesome!!!!😍😍beautiful flowers! Thanks for a chance!
EASTER Blog HOP with Authentique!
Hello Petaloo Friends: We are so excited to announce an Easter Hop with Authentique starting on Monday, 3/23 and running through Monday, 3/30. The design teams from both companies will be creating wonderful Easter themed projects featuring Petaloo flowers and the TREASURE Collection from ...
Jen Taylor is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 21, 2015
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