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Chad Noble (ex
@chadnoble on Twitter
Interests: Warning: Not a roon.
Pro Hannan, Carswell, Farage.
Recent Activity
The EU threatens the City unless its new treaty is waived through?
That's like giving a mugger your watch to save your wallet then claiming victory for saving the wallet.
How do we know the threat to the City wasn't manufactured to give Cameron a "victory" for letting the EU continued as planned, and either way is it in our interests to be in a club where we have to fight for it not to hurt our interests?
If Cameron safeguards the City of London and UK access to the single market it's not necessary for him to repatriate any powers...
Do you agree? And what about these statements...? This summit provides Britain with the best opportunity in a generation to forge a new relationship with the EU. Britain should not be part of any summit deal that saves the €uro. We should be arguing that the €uro needs to be broken up in an or...
Well Danny Alexander just confirmed that Government but send new billions over to IMF *without* a new vote, and s happy for it to go to Greece.
We know Osborne was lying, so no shock.
By two-to-one voters are against any back door bailout of €urozone with UK taxes
By Tim Montgomerie Follow Tim on Twitter A YouGov poll for The Sunday Times (PDF) has a clear message for David Cameron and George Osborne: Don't use our money to bailout the Eurozone. Although 80% agree that it's important for the British economy that the Eurozone's debt crisis is solved there ...
" but we need to be fighting the Labour Party too."
Why, except for partisan self-interest? All 3 big parties imposed a 3-line whip against referendum.
There are pro-ref and anti-EU MPs in all 3 parties, but none of their parties match that view, and actively suppress that view, so clearly pro-ref, anti-EU supporters should vote for UKIP.
Osborne tells Radio 4 that it would be better if Greece stays INSIDE the Eurozone
By Tim Montgomerie Follow Tim on Twitter Library photo In a testy interview with Sarah Montague the Chancellor conceded that the old omertà is no longer being observed and other EU states are now openly talking about the possibility of Greece leaving the single currency. He poured cold water o...
Michael Johnson: The government has surrendered to the unions on public sector pensions
Michael Johnson is Pensions expert and Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Studies. He was author of 'The 100 billion negotiations'. Yesterday’s concessions by the Coalition, in respect of the public sector pensions negotiations, verge on an unconditional surrender to the unions, perhaps ...
Spot on Ruth.
"why should they suddenly look kindly upon the UK in terms of trade now that we are in financial difficulties?"
Because they can see the long-term benefit? Elaine, we're not stuck in 1973. Things have moved on, clearly shown by the cooperation and ease of negotiation over the Royal succession law change.
Ruth Lea: As the EU squabbles, the Commonwealth looks even more enticing
Last week’s events were extraordinary. It may well be that it will be remembered as the week when “events, dear boy, events” began to shape Britain’s future as a country free of the EU’s crippling bureaucracy and bickering politicians. Starting with last week’s EU summit there are probably four ...
Well the obvious political class answer to this would be "positive discrimination" quotas, so that x% of all adoptions must be black etc.
Of course it will make matters worse, but would result in some nice but meaningless stats to quote in Parliament.
The scandal of the racist dogma that stops black children being adopted
By Paul Goodman Follow Paul on Twitter. Some local authorities concluded long ago that children of one "race" (whatever that is) should only ever be adopted by a couple of the same one: modern political correctness thus came full circle to join South African apartheid. According to today's Sund...
Not at all.
Party income is then controlled by an equation, Total votes x £ per vote, where the parties control one side of the equation, ie if number of votes fall, they can increase the £ per vote.
And of course, if there is a big people fightback and a massive drop in votes ensues, then they will just making voting compulsory.
It is of course a massive scam to end any pretence of answerability to the people.
Cameron must reject £100 million taxpayer bailout for political parties
By Tim Montgomerie Follow Tim on Twitter On the front page of this morning's Guardian is the news that an inquiry is to recommend that political parties receive £3 for every vote they receive at a general election. Based on the outcome of the last election this would equal £32 million for the Co...
Indeed, Cameron was the first party leader to actually *propose* this crazy idea back in early 2006.
Cameron must reject £100 million taxpayer bailout for political parties
By Tim Montgomerie Follow Tim on Twitter On the front page of this morning's Guardian is the news that an inquiry is to recommend that political parties receive £3 for every vote they receive at a general election. Based on the outcome of the last election this would equal £32 million for the Co...
Very well said Jill.
The battle lines of political parties (not politicians) versus the people have been clearly drawn.
Cameron, Miliband and Clegg stand firmly on the side of the elite, the political parties.
Jill Kirby: The people or the elite? Cameron has made a defining choice
On Monday night, David Cameron forced his parliamentary party to choose between loyalty to their constituents and loyalty to their leader. It was an unnecessary choice, on a topic where the Conservatives are, theoretically at least, of one mind. In using this issue to make a show of leadership, ...
It's at around 400k and rising I believe, several times more than the few voters in marginal seats who decide general elections.
Lord Ashcroft: Turn down the volume on Europe or lose the next election
By Lord Ashcroft, KCMG. If there is one thing that unites Conservatives it is the desire to win the next general election outright. Certain things follow from this. The first is that we need more votes at the next election than we received at the last. This means attracting people who voted...
"Is it strictly true that 'People' triggered the referendum debate?"
Yes. The physical petition was delivered to Downing Street in September. This was not the e-petition.
The politicians set the trigger. If it is deemed too low, then they should raise it, and we will hit that target too.
You can't set the trigger then dismiss it as too low to be meaningful! lol.
Lord Ashcroft: Turn down the volume on Europe or lose the next election
By Lord Ashcroft, KCMG. If there is one thing that unites Conservatives it is the desire to win the next general election outright. Certain things follow from this. The first is that we need more votes at the next election than we received at the last. This means attracting people who voted...
Two things:
#1 If turning up the "europe" volume will lose the next election, then by the same logic, the last election where the "Europe" volume was at zero and the tories missed an open goal victory, so the low volume must have cost the party victory.
#2 *People* not Tory MPs triggered the EU referendum debate and vote that was crushed by the parties, and Ashcroft concludes that those who voted with the people are out of touch! Priceless.
The fact is the EU is clearly a major issue at the moment, and no-one trusts political parties to do the right thing.
Lord Ashcroft: Turn down the volume on Europe or lose the next election
By Lord Ashcroft, KCMG. If there is one thing that unites Conservatives it is the desire to win the next general election outright. Certain things follow from this. The first is that we need more votes at the next election than we received at the last. This means attracting people who voted...
Non-binding, backbench debate initiated by public demand, with a wrecking amendment by you, and being whipped against by Government.
It couldn't be any more heavy-handed or undemocratic.
We don't to know any more thanks George.
George Eustice MP: For €urosceptics to succeed, the Conservative party has to be united - votes need to be won rather than lost in parliament
George Eustice is the MP for Camborne, Redruth, and Hayle. He has proposed an amendment to the current motion on an EU referendum. Here is a full list of current signatories to George's amendment. Two years ago I took part in a “war gaming” exercise with around half a dozen other politicos wh...
The bizarre thing is, I am sure many here could pick a sensible Tory MP, who hasn't been caught abusing expenses, who is saying exactly the same if not more than Laws.
Shouldn't conhome be promoting an, erm, Conservative MP?
David Laws should be put in charge of a Government drive for growth
By Paul Goodman Follow Paul on Twitter The former Chief Secretary to the Treasury gets in early before the coming Liberal Democrat conference, writing in the Sun this morning under the headline "We must tackle our economy and mend our broken society." The piece has three main messages as his...
Growth in what? Expenses abuses?
David Laws should be put in charge of a Government drive for growth
By Paul Goodman Follow Paul on Twitter The former Chief Secretary to the Treasury gets in early before the coming Liberal Democrat conference, writing in the Sun this morning under the headline "We must tackle our economy and mend our broken society." The piece has three main messages as his...
Your spelling would definitely have been better if you had been at grammar school from the start. ;-)
Seriously, as Graham said, schools should be free to choose. It's simple really.
Graham Brady MP and Lord Lingfield: To open up educational opportunity for all, we must give schools autonomy and the freedom to select
Graham Brady is the Member of Parliament for Altrincham and Sale West, and Lord Lingfield is a Conservative peer who was Chairman of the Grant Maintained Schools Trust, and a key advisor to successive Shadow Education Secretaries. The great divide in the education debate is not between Left and...
"I won't bother on this blog to point out that a referendum now would almost certainly end up with an "in" vote."
David Belchamber @ 11:11
Complete nonsense David. It is the fear of the exact opposite that has resulted in the British people being denied their say.
If the euphile political class (Lab or Con) seriously thought the 'in' vote would win, the referendum would already have been green-lighted.
But good try anyway... ;-)
Anthony Browne: Last night in the Thatcher Room, a new Eurosceptic Movement of Tory MPs was born
By one count there were 104 Conservative MPs; another put it at 120 – twice the total number of Liberal Democrats in the House of Commons. Either way, it was standing room only in the Thatcher Room in Portcullis House last night, as much of the parliamentary Conservative party (and the odd hange...
in the same way we stood up ...the over-mighty EU now.
Did I miss something?
Tim, did you write that with a straight face?
Two big themes for tomorrow's Conservative Party
By Tim Montgomerie Follow Tim on Twitter. Yesterday I looked at the Johnson/ Davis/ Truss thinking on the future of the Conservative Party. In the latest instalment of 'After the Coalition', being serialised in The Telegraph Kwasi Kwarteng proposes a balanced budget amendment to ensure that Brit...
First of all, save yourself a lot of time and energy and actually ask the people if they want to be members of the EU.
If they vote yes, then you will have a mandate for repatriation, if they vote no, you would have saved yourself a lot of bother.
Anthony Browne: Last night in the Thatcher Room, a new Eurosceptic Movement of Tory MPs was born
By one count there were 104 Conservative MPs; another put it at 120 – twice the total number of Liberal Democrats in the House of Commons. Either way, it was standing room only in the Thatcher Room in Portcullis House last night, as much of the parliamentary Conservative party (and the odd hange...
Rich people and businesses will always seek to influence political parties by greasing their palms. It's the way the world works.
The real question is, do we need more land freed up to build more houses, and the answer to that is a firm "yes".
Should property developers be allowed to make political donations?
The opposition to the Government's proposals to simplify the planning process continues to generate more heat than light. Many environmental and heritage groups and housing charities are broadly supportive and making detailed submissions offering specific, constructive ideas for how they could ...
"The British people just don't care about Europe."
Except for the fact when given a chance to vote on the EU, a small party like UKIP with only 5% nationally suddenly rockets to *second* place beating Labour and the LibDems.
Except for the fact that Govt ministers and Miliband's advisor both said that any referendum with the word "Europe" in would end in a 'no' hence the desire to avoid it.
I am perfectly happy to have a referendum and lose. That is democracy.
"Having a referendum on leaving the EU is not the same as leaving the EU."
Of course but I bet the latter will follow the former.
You say the odds are stacked against #no2eu, so why fear a referendum?
Pro-EU democrats like Tom Harris are supporting a referendum, put pro and anti democrats in the same camp, with the opposition doing anything they can to deny the people a choice.
Bernard Jenkin MP: The meeting of 90 MPs today to discuss the EU is not a rebellion, but might be the genesis of something big
Bernard Jenkin is the MP for Harwich and North Essex and Chairman of the Public Administration Select Committee. It is reported that perhaps 90 Conservative back-benchers will meet to discuss the UK’s future relationship with the EU. This is the initiative led by George Eustice, former direct...
Because we know he is an EU agent of course Sal ;-)
David Cameron "would have been a very good KGB agent"
By Matthew Barrett Follow Matthew on Twitter David Cameron visited Russia today for talks with Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev. The talks touched on trade, commerce, technology, and intelligence sharing, amongst other issues. A sensitive topic was the matter of the murder in London in 2006...
"This MP has not yet supported the Pledge."
Bernard Jenkin MP: The meeting of 90 MPs today to discuss the EU is not a rebellion, but might be the genesis of something big
Bernard Jenkin is the MP for Harwich and North Essex and Chairman of the Public Administration Select Committee. It is reported that perhaps 90 Conservative back-benchers will meet to discuss the UK’s future relationship with the EU. This is the initiative led by George Eustice, former direct...
Not once did Bernard suggest putting the question to the people.
Bernard Jenkin MP: The meeting of 90 MPs today to discuss the EU is not a rebellion, but might be the genesis of something big
Bernard Jenkin is the MP for Harwich and North Essex and Chairman of the Public Administration Select Committee. It is reported that perhaps 90 Conservative back-benchers will meet to discuss the UK’s future relationship with the EU. This is the initiative led by George Eustice, former direct...
"A large majority of the Party and the public would settle for a different form of membership of the EU."
Sorry, but that is rubbish.
You know the people would vote to leave if given the chance, without the need for any main party or business support.
However I am happy to be wrong, so long as you put it to the people in a referendum.
But you don't want to take the risk, do you?
Bernard Jenkin MP: The meeting of 90 MPs today to discuss the EU is not a rebellion, but might be the genesis of something big
Bernard Jenkin is the MP for Harwich and North Essex and Chairman of the Public Administration Select Committee. It is reported that perhaps 90 Conservative back-benchers will meet to discuss the UK’s future relationship with the EU. This is the initiative led by George Eustice, former direct...
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