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Ein Oso
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Thank you so much! I love it.
1 reply
Re your comment, "I swear, it seemed that they were just on tour.": perhaps you feel this way because I keep watching the reruns of their last tour on the RAVEHD channel???
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2009 on Fleetwood Mac Tour: "Unleashed" at So, And Thus...
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Happy happy sweetie!
Toggle Commented Jan 13, 2009 on Happy Anniversary, Ein Oso! at So, And Thus...
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More on (or is is "moron"?) this issue at:
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Perhaps Pussy is why the printer isn't working properly in the first place.
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2008 on Pussy vs. Printer at So, And Thus...
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Very fitting, I think. It is said that cats have nine lives, and seemingly Cher is on her seventh or eighth. As she herself says, all that will remain after a nuclear holocaust are "cockroaches and Cher".
Toggle Commented Aug 29, 2008 on Cher as Catwoman?! at So, And Thus...
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Eh, went to the USA volleyball link-- not so cute without facial hair. But I'm partial.
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I read an article a while back about the potential invasion of privacy (is that even possible on a public street??) in being "caught" on street view doing something they weren't supposed to be doing. Good thing Fred wasn't all dressed up in leather while on his street corner. :)
Toggle Commented Aug 7, 2008 on Google Fred at So, And Thus...
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I guess this photo should put to rest the question of whether she has had plastic surgery. If she did, and this is what she looks like afterward, she should get her money back.
Toggle Commented Jul 29, 2008 on Sooner or Later... at So, And Thus...
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When in NYC, I actually try to walk in the street, along the outside of the parked cars, to avoid the gaggles of smokers on the sidewalks-- assuming that the street isn't too busy, of course.
Toggle Commented Jun 23, 2008 on Get thee behind me, Smokers at So, And Thus...
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I can't wait! I can't.
Toggle Commented May 21, 2008 on Jennifer Hudson Album at So, And Thus...
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I love her too. Now I can be a passenger and be comfortable. The old one, may her trunk pop nevermore, was sooo not a comfy car.
Toggle Commented May 15, 2008 on Little Red Rav4! at So, And Thus...
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Definitely handsome here, but not so much in older photos, in my opinion. Do a google image search...
Toggle Commented May 8, 2008 on Bear Watch - Nir Rosen at So, And Thus...
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Here are a few songwriting peeves of mine: * saying that something/someone is "oh so" good, or "oh so" happy, or one is "oh so" lonely. * referring to the fact that one is singing a song-- Cher's "This is a Song for the Lonely", Elton's "Your Song" (not to say that I don't like these tunes, I just don't like the reference) * gramatically incorrect lyrics-- Rufus'/Chaka's "Ain't Nobody", as well as an Amanda Marshall song in which she says, for the sake of a rhyming, that she "just remembers you and I and that beautiful goodbye" *any song in which "U", "2" "4", etc. are substituted for the actual words.
Toggle Commented May 5, 2008 on Songwriters' Pact at So, And Thus...
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Peter--- "straight" to the nearest restroom? ;)
Toggle Commented Apr 30, 2008 on International Male at So, And Thus...
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Yes, in the early 80s, I did frequent United SKATES of America. My macho father just LOVED watching me roller-figure skating to the latest Donna song. Luckily I've toned that down a bit, and I now only pirouette for ElMarveloso (in private).
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Oh, to be employed somewhere that doesn't block YouTube!
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2008 on Bangles- Something That You Said at So, And Thus...
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Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2008 on Bangles- Something That You Said at So, And Thus...
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Why, black leather, of course.
Toggle Commented Mar 27, 2008 on 53 Ways at So, And Thus...
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I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I also find it interesting how people, in general, can invest so much of their being into a particular candidate, almost to the point of obsession. I just don't get it. Lest we forget, they are ALL politicians and they ALL play the game. It's like saying that one used car salesman is more honest and upstanding than another. I also find it interesting how vehement some people (once again, generally speaking) can get in their support of his or her chosen Golden Child, yet can condemn someone else's passion for another person's Golden Child. Be sure, I am talking about the "vehemence" here, not the particular person's political bent. If only such vehemence and passion were applied to bettering one's own place in the world.... And now, I'll get off my soapbox.
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Do you SEE the big dent in her shoulder from all the weight her spaghetti strap is holding? Nevermind the fact that SPAGHETTI straps in general aren't "up" to the task at hand!
Toggle Commented Mar 7, 2008 on Aretha - In Blue at So, And Thus...
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Yuck, so gross. I'm probably allergic to this guy too.
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2008 on Creative Kitty at So, And Thus...
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Can't fight, face.
Toggle Commented Feb 9, 2008 on New Taylor Dayne - Satisfied at So, And Thus...
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I love it too. I told about it too. He's going to check it out. Also, see the Shelby Lynne interview in The Advocate.
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Oh baby!! And here's one more for ya....
Toggle Commented Feb 5, 2008 on Beards and the Patriots at So, And Thus...
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