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tara jane
Recent Activity
hi there Girl, Im thinking perhaps the world would like to see you without the makeup, and fashion sense..and perhaps volunteering for kids/orphanage..homeless..batttered issues/body image are a role model for many girls..and you have an opportunity to get wise words out love animals, yes..but what about a deeper connection with humans?
keep believing sweetpea Tara jane :) loves it!!
I'm curious to hearing your thoughts. I am getting...
I'm curious to hearing your thoughts. I am getting ready to shoot my new show and I want to hear your opinions. What are some of your show ideas that you would like to see me in? Comment below and let me know. xoxo Paris :)
tara jane is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 23, 2010
tara jane is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 23, 2010
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