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Moncton, Canada
créé, racheté et sanctifié par le Seigneur
Recent Activity
TDPelletier added a favorite at JIMMY AKIN.ORG
Jan 7, 2012
I meant it's a great *question*. :-)
Today in the Church Year: Jan. 6, 2012
Today is a Friday in Christmas. The liturgical color is white. In some parts of the world (but not the United States), this is a holyday of obligation (Epiphany). If it is a holyday of obligation in your area, be sure to go to Mass if you didn't go yesterday evening. (In the U.S. we celebrate Ep...
provided you had gone to Mass on Friday, I think that you would have to go again on Sunday (precisely because it is a Sunday) and (for this one I am less sure) because the holy day of obligation in the U.S. is the day of Epiphany *according to the ordinary form*. (The day was set at a time when attending the extraordinary form of the Mass was not foreseen as a (frequent)possibility).
Today in the Church Year: Jan. 6, 2012
Today is a Friday in Christmas. The liturgical color is white. In some parts of the world (but not the United States), this is a holyday of obligation (Epiphany). If it is a holyday of obligation in your area, be sure to go to Mass if you didn't go yesterday evening. (In the U.S. we celebrate Ep...
it's a great answer. Just go down this page to get Jimmy's answer.
Actually, there are 2 blog entries that deal with the matter.
I hope this helps.
Today in the Church Year: Jan. 6, 2012
Today is a Friday in Christmas. The liturgical color is white. In some parts of the world (but not the United States), this is a holyday of obligation (Epiphany). If it is a holyday of obligation in your area, be sure to go to Mass if you didn't go yesterday evening. (In the U.S. we celebrate Ep...
TDPelletier is now following Suzanne Ennis
Dec 18, 2011
TDPelletier is now following Mrs. O'Riordan
Dec 18, 2011
TDPelletier is now following Jimmy Akin
Dec 18, 2011
TDPelletier is now following Cezannebroad
Dec 18, 2011
sorry to hear that, but praying our dear Lord for her and everyone involved.
My Friend Being Taken off Life Support
I just got word that my friend who has been having medical problems has taken a downturn and is scheduled to be taken off life support. It would take a miracle for her to survive without it. Please pray for God's will, one way or the other.
TDPelletier is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 14, 2011
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