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I believe in family, celebrating holidays (big and small), good food, all things chocolate and enjoying the little things in life.
Recent Activity
MaryRuth is now following Catherine
Sep 1, 2013
yes... lots in that picture... but the ducks were there too :)
Toggle Commented Aug 27, 2013 on The Summer List 2013 - Review Part 1 at Team Francks
1 reply
Thanks for your sweet comment... its always so good to hear from you!
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2013 on my struggle at Stuff.
1 reply
Thank you for sharing this... I unfortunately know the pain of several failed IVF's... and the begging and pleading and hoping "for just one more" baby... I appreciate you sharing... Infertility is a crappy, lonely experience... and while you wish others weren't going through it... its nice to know you're not alone. I wish you and your family all the best. xoxoxo MaryRuth
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2013 on Numbers at Jennifer Woodbury
1 reply
Lori! I just saw this comment... I don't know how I missed it but I'm so sorry!! I didn't make the nativity... my cousin designed it and sold it at a couple of craft fairs... i don't know if he still designs them but when I see him again (not sure when) I'll ask him. So sorry its taken me nine months to respond. I'm so sorry!
Toggle Commented May 19, 2013 on Life: the iPhone version at Team Francks
1 reply
yay! awesome... thanks for letting me know!
Toggle Commented Jan 23, 2013 on "I Loved You First" and a Freebie! at Stuff.
1 reply
Yay! Glad you got them... hope you enjoy! And thanks for reading my scrapbook blog... I think you're the only one that does :)
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2013 on Feelin' Frosty Too and a Freebie at Stuff.
1 reply
two days after... it didn't last long! :)
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2013 on you make me happy at Stuff.
1 reply
Love the title page! Great job!
Toggle Commented Jan 5, 2013 on Project Life 2013 at the little things
so cute! thanks!
Toggle Commented Nov 8, 2012 on a Halloween PL freebie at adapted by kimmie d
1 reply
I may be moving to Canada after tonight... can we be neighbors :) Always love your comments.
1 reply
awesome! thanks!
Toggle Commented Nov 5, 2012 on Tortellini Sausage Soup at Team Francks
1 reply
sorry your family doesn't like soup... that's a shame! Good luck... it really is worth the effort.
Toggle Commented Nov 5, 2012 on Tortellini Sausage Soup at Team Francks
1 reply
How did it freeze? do you freeze it with the tortellini in it or just add when you're warming up? I'd love to freeze it!
Toggle Commented Nov 5, 2012 on Tortellini Sausage Soup at Team Francks
1 reply
awesome!!! one year we did a year of service projects... one big service project per month... it was overwhelming at times but so fun... Loved all your great ideas!!
1 reply
Looks awesome! I agree with you on the chores (no $$)... but I also like how if they don't get paid then they don't get treats, etc. Love all your ideas!!
Toggle Commented Jun 5, 2012 on summer fun list 2012 at find joy in the journey
1 reply
I love Henry Huggins so much! Can't wait to read them to my little boy!! Love your PL updates... so fun!
1 reply
Love your title page! Mine is still waiting to be done.
Toggle Commented Jan 2, 2012 on Project Life 2012 - Title Page at steph's stuff
1 reply
MaryRuth is now following Stitch in Time
Dec 21, 2011
so cute!! I love the costumes (and the cliff note idea!)
1 reply
5-6 hours... its on the coast and we're at the top of the state. you movin' down this way???
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2011 on monday musings... at Team Francks
1 reply
noooo.... no thomas either! usually I'm fine with Kai Lan... but we only have 5 episodes on our DVR and we watched them straight from 8am-8pm yesterday. it was sooo much!!!
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2011 on monday musings... at Team Francks
1 reply
always love your pages!
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2011 on Saturday Scrapbooking at steph's stuff
1 reply
How is she possibly even old enough to go on her first date!? Time flies. She looks beautiful!!
Toggle Commented Sep 21, 2011 on Firsts at This & That