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I am a shopkeeper, wife, and mother of two great boys.
Interests: gardening, sewing, i am one of those people who is never bored! i love cooking, knitting & crochet, and growing my little business. i like to read and never have enough time to read all that I'd like to. when it's time to really unwind, i love to curl up in front of our fireplace with my sweetie to watch a good movie.
Recent Activity
What a great giveaway! I love looking at older garments for inspiration. Will have to add this book to my library for sure! Book AND tools would be a lovely prize! ~tearose2
1 reply
While I would dearly love the kit and shiny new snips, if I win, may I pass the kit up to Vanessa Falle, purty please. Thank you!
1 reply
Oh, Vanessa, what a shock! Well, I must say, I hope you win the lovely little kit! Best wishes to you as you rebuild your life.
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Welcome to the Pacific Northwest, Kimberly. Your part of Oregon is so lovely. Best wishes on settling in!
1 reply
Hello there. I am in the process of moving this little blog over to blogger. If you happen to have this bookmarked, I would be ever so pleased if you would follow me to: While I certainly have not... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2012 at rainbows in the closet
Thank you, sweet Francie. {hug} Do you suppose I could risk sewing any little pink things? Hmmm....I think I best wait! :-)
1 reply
Thank you, Lesley dear. I hope you had a lovely day and sweet moments with your two. {hug}
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I always thought I'd have girls. When I was expecting my first baby, I remember, as if yesterday, the first baby outfit I bought. It was a soft little pink after bath snuggly gown, with a hood and cuffs trimmed... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2011 at rainbows in the closet
Happy Valentine's Day! Isn't that a sweet vintage postcard? Such a pretty little girl. My grandmother received the card from a girlfriend when she was a young woman. My mother is now the caretaker of Grandma's postcard collection and from... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2011 at rainbows in the closet
The first day of the new year is softly coming to an end. Just before the sun set, I glanced out the window to see the tops of the tallest firs and cedars tinted a warm gold....such a contrast to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2011 at rainbows in the closet
You can visit, Francie.... In the summer! :-)) It is 25 and dropping! Still snowing. Going to be brrrrrrrry cold!
Toggle Commented Nov 23, 2010 on Happy Thanksgiving! at rainbows in the closet
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This is what happens when you are not paying attention here at Millie's house! You get decorated! Such a good sport! I didn't leave it on Millie for very long, just long enough to snap a photo, but that look... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2010 at rainbows in the closet
Warm Birthday Greetings, Carol! Oh, such lovely photos! Beautiful! There is a serenity about the 50s, and may this next year for you be filled filled with sweet moments and happy growth!
Toggle Commented Oct 25, 2010 on Celebrating #52 at Raised In Cotton
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Dori is now following Teresa Adkins
Oct 23, 2010
What a wonderful photo! Look at those determined, sparkling eyes! You are strong, beautiful, and an amazing role model. Wishing you a good, swift recovery! Go Krista!
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, Krista. I'll be wishing for a good surgery, NO complications, and a speedy recovery. XO
In May, I made a list of things I hoped to do this summer. I haven't had a whole summer at home without a shop to to run for 12 years, so my wish list was quite a long list... Continue reading
Posted Aug 25, 2010 at rainbows in the closet
Whoo Hoo!!! What a great brother! What a guy! What a gal! Love to you!
Yes, Krista, you are a pioneer and a pretty amazing one at that. Thank you for being you, thank you for sharing the journey, all of it! XO
Alison! How kind of you to visit and leave a comment for me! Thank you! :-) The sweetness of my Virginia visit lingers with me still and I'm hanging on to it tightly!
Toggle Commented Jul 24, 2010 on A visit to Virginia..... at rainbows in the closet
1 reply
For nearly a year we plotted and planned and finally on June 20, I flew to Virginia to visit my dear friend Lesley for nearly a week! Except for two visits into Williamsburg, most of my visit was happily spent... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2010 at rainbows in the closet