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The extent of the St. Brice's Day Massacre is debatable. We have Aethelred's own words, from a church charter in Oxford, describing slayings taking place in that town, and an archaeological find that may be related. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle also notes it as a slaying of "Danish men" in England. Later Norman chronicles extend the carnage to women and children, and one adds some lurid details. It must be admitted that later Norman chroniclers had a vested interest in making English kings look bad.
Period sources do give Gunhilde's death as a reason for Sweyn's invasion. This could be true, or it could be a "just so" story.
Eadric Streona would only just have gotten to court in 1002 and probably wouldn't have been at the Witan. Later in his life, he betrayed and killed a Danish nobleman who had accepted his hospitality, and he is generally the most famous English villain of the 11th century, so the plot seemed like it would be right up his alley. I put him in under fictional license.
Aethelred "the Unready" was actually Aethelraed Unraed, "Noble Counsel the Poorly-Counseled."
Of course there exist no records of the Witan meeting where the massacre was decreed. But we have Aethelred's word that it happened:
"For it is fully agreed that to all dwelling in this country it will be well known that, since a decree was sent out by me with the counsel of my leading men and magnates, to the effect that all the Danes who had sprung up in this island, sprouting like cockle amongst the wheat, were to be destroyed by a most just extermination, and thus this decree was to be put into effect even as far as death, those Danes who dwelt in the afore-mentioned town, striving to escape death, entered this sanctuary of Christ, having broken by force the doors and bolts, and resolved to make refuge and defence for themselves therein against the people of the town and the suburbs; but when all the people in pursuit strove, forced by necessity, to drive them out, and could not, they set fire to the planks and burnt, as it seems, this church with its ornaments and its books. Afterwards, with God's aid, it was renewed by me."
A story about St. Brice's Day
"Sire, they are a danger to your kingdom, your crown, and your life!" So thundered a member of King Aethelred's Witan, his group of counselors, in the fall of 1002. "Surely... surely not," the king replied. "They are my subjects." "The are Danes," the counselor replied. "The same Danes that h...
Thank you!
BTW, I've since found my notes (hiding in plain sight on my Desktop) - if you're interested in Anglo-Saxon cushions, I'll make sure to get them up soon.
Anglo-Saxonish seat cushion
In February, I collected some information on Anglo-Saxon seat cushions. I wish I'd left myself a breadcrumb about where that document I made is, because it doesn't seem to be on my hard drive or in my Google Drive. I was thinking back then of weaving the fabric for the cushion, but in the run-up...
Thank you very much, your Grace! I'll go and have a look.
My Dutch oven bread is period!
Check this out, from Platina's 15th cen. cookbook, via Master Cariadoc: "... Therefore I recommend to anyone who is a baker that he use flour from wheat meal, well ground and then passed through a fine seive to sift it; then put it in a bread pan with warm water, to which has been added salt, a...
Yep! I will send out an email today or tomorrow to those who RSVPed with the "how to park at Teleri's house" instructions.
Assorted Notes
I managed to volunteer for a retreat at church which is the same day as KASF. Guess I don't have to worry about Pentathalon this year. I discovered They were having a super-sale on wool suiting, and I scored some lightweight "cornsilk"-colored herringbone twill. I thought it wa...
It really helps if you have more than one person to set up. I'm usually either camping by myself - in which case I don't want to be trying to get 6+ pavilion poles staked out on my own - or with my family - in which case, folding down the back seats would *really* inconvenience the kids.
I'm sketching out a sort of hybrid solution in my head. Something like a geteld could be as small as the Boy Scout 2-man tents we used in our Girl Scout troop, with just 2 vertical poles and a ridge pole. The canvas for a small tent packed to about 'large sleeping bag' size, although much heavier. Then use a modern self-inflating air mattress and hide it under wool blankets.
I got an Exped MegaMat for Battle on the Bay. Either it's got a puncture already, or I didn't let it self-inflate enough, because I had to keep re-inflating it all night long. >.< Gonna try it again this weekend to try to debug the situation.
A Hypothesis
Proposed, that when purchasing camping gear, one may only have two out of: Easy to pack/set up/store Comfortable Period A minimalist period encampment, with a canvas bivouac, a small iron pot, and meals of oats or bulgur wheat and dried beans cooked into porridge, would be very easy to pack an...
Oh, reaaaaally? I hadn't realized things were so different in the Chiv.
That's probably a really good reason to post it, then. It's hardly aliens-from-outer-space weird - just a suggestion that, since we already treat at least the Orders of Chivalry as something like guilds (there are journeymen and masters), we consider allowing the presentation of masterworks by those who would be masters. You know, instead of holding our breath and hoping that senpai notices us. (
Totally shows my arts/academic bias - hello, it's a thesis defense - although service Orders could certainly ask candidates to put together portfolios describing their work done. Martial Orders could do combats/shoots.
Do I want to post a rant on the way we handle awards in the SCA? Very touchy subject. It can be hard to discuss - in some quarters, any deviation from pure-hearted service without thought of recognition is instantly grasping, greedy glory-seeking, the hunt for honors unearned. Seriously, I thin...
Derp. And thank you for the head's up on the embroiderer's guild!
So, what's next?
Various things on my plate to prioritize: Things already started: Online SCA artist community development Lyre how-to videos Scroll text competition Revise and expand documentation for current performance practice Update website Organize Storvik PerfArts nights New things/Old things coming bac...
Maybe this is from last year, then?
There's a live link to it on the sands main page.
So, what's next?
Various things on my plate to prioritize: Things already started: Online SCA artist community development Lyre how-to videos Scroll text competition Revise and expand documentation for current performance practice Update website Organize Storvik PerfArts nights New things/Old things coming bac...
Mystery of the Missing Silk Solved!
The silk shreds when I tear it. I lost about 1/4" on another piece from where I measured to the width after I tore it. (I can't cut a straight line to save my life, so I prefer to rip fabric along the grain when I can.)
Kentish Robe: Silk cuff
Dithered on width of silk bands for cuffs, cut to 2.5" Thought I sewed with 1/8" seams? But band seems to be 2" wide. Either my measuring thingie was actually measuring 1/4" or I cut it wrong. Checked that the silk did not have a right side/wrong side. It didn't. Stitched to edge of sleeve o...
Weirdly enough, the last time I did any embroidery (KASF Pentathalon 2009, I think) I followed the same rule. It just never occurred to me to use it in non-embroidery situations. I don't know why... Certainly, it would look nicer and won't make lumpy scratchy knots, which is a real bonus.
Kentish Robe: Almost done
The Required Fly in the Ointment So, back when I said I had almost remembered to not overdo the seam finishing? Both gores and one gusset have gone in beautifully. The gusset where I overzealously finished the seams to the arm has some issues. I picked out the stitching at the three affected p...
Not since this:
Some combination of PVC not being a good stand-in for bone, me not being a good carver, and not getting the fipple right - not sure exactly which is the driving factor, there.
I'm thinking my next step ought to be to use something like a turkey leg bone (fairly easily available) to try to make a 1-note signal whistle. That'll tell me if I'm doing the carving right.
Or maybe bamboo? Something with a thinner wall than that PVC, definitely.
Bone Flutes
I've had it in my head for a while to make a bone flute. Or maybe buy one? Although that seems like cheating. Turns out, there's more than side-blown and fipple flutes. Really old bone flutes were end blown but had no fipple. There's just sort of a notch cut in one end, and you use your lip ...
No, I never did, although now that my kids are a bit older, I'm coming back to this hobby. The lyre book is definitely on my list.
In the meanwhile, I can recommend Lani Thompson's "My Kantele is My Teacher" ebook:
It has music for 5- and 10-string kanteles (Finnish traditional zither). The 10-string music won't fit on a lyre, but the 5-string does admirably (if you're tuned do-re-mi-fa-so-la), and 19 out of the 36 given tunes have 5-string arrangements. It runs $20, which is a buck a tune - not too bad for sheet music!
Better, the tunes are mostly of a very period 'home and away' form, repeating simple patterns a step apart, or repeating with variations. They're a great basis for learning how to compose your own simple but plausibly period melodies, and for learning how to ornament a simple melody.
Lyre Tunebook
The lyre tunebook is chugging along. I've scored seven 19th-20th century pieces, like "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "Ode to Joy," that people will already be very familiar with. That (in theory) helps them know if they're playing the instrument "right." And I've also scored eight 12th - 16th century...
I'm so glad you like it!
This is not the original, which is a medieval French piece, if I recall correctly. It's not even a very close translation - it's just the basic outline of the tale set in my own words.
I haven't really researched it, past reading a translation myself, so I can't even say if my take on the tone is a good one. I found it to be pretty comic, and so I present it that way, but the original may have been more serious.
The Perilous Bed
Adapted, a little irreverently, from The Knight of the Sword. First draft; lines I want to definitely revisit marked with *. Bold Sir Gawain rode out one day Through hill and glen he made his way Til coming to a castle stout With tall stone walls all ringed about. Twas there he sought to spend ...
Well, thank you! But please don't bow out on my account - I'm not competing in my own contest. (Conflict of interest, much? :) ) My tentative idea is, with their Excellencies' permission, read my poem as part of the festivities during court, and have the winner (and maybe some other competitors) of the contest recite during feast.
Poem draft done!
Not online yet, but done. And about the right length. I don't get to chat up the horrible April tithe-collecting monster that Storvik keeps in check as much as I'd like to, but c'est la vie. I've almost finished reading The Sagas of the Warrior-Poets, which are prose. They frequently feature...
The Hubble, Compton and Chandra observatories continually redefine our understanding of the universe, addressing cosmological issues that have been studied for ages.
Planetary probes bring back information about what else is out there, perhaps to one day answer questions on the origin of life.
But if you mean how it impacts Jane Average: On a daily basis, I can plot my trip using Google Maps - illustrated with satellite imagery. I check the weather forecast, greatly improved by the use of weather satellites. (Accurate forecasting can save lives, in fact.) My in-car GPS unit - that gets my position by referencing the Global Positioning System satellites - helps me out if I get lost. I listen to XM radio, broadcast by satellite. The news is full of the latest environmental predictions, backed up by data taken from space.
It's utterly transformed the way the US Armed Forces do their jobs.
Has it really changed human life? Not in the way fire or writing did. But it impacts basic science and it impacts our daily routine.
Astronaut Glamour
As the 40th anniversary of the moon landing approaches, Louis Vuitton has hired a trio of the most famous astronauts—Buzz Aldrin, Sally Ride, and James Lovell—to pose for this glamour shot by Annie Leibovitz. (Advertising commentators have fixated on the absence of Neil Armstrong, apparentl...
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