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stefan marius
There are a few things in life which are hard to say. ‘I love you’ is definitely one of them. It's not easy to say it to a person you have known for years, never mind somebody you just started to get to know. But it is a significant step of an intimate relationship and the words need to be said at some point or another if you would like the relationship to continue.The reality is that it will be hard to say no matter how much you prepare yourself, how much you know about what the words ‘I love you’ really mean, or how much you work yourself up. Saying the words is not easy - unless you have one too many drinks in you (which is a bad idea by the way). That’s why you need to be sure that the person is right for you and that you really mean it before you say it.This post will analyze how to tell someone you love them by giving insight into the who, why, when, where and how of the words ‘I love you’. It may help guide you towards saying those words - or away from saying them, depending on who you are with and where you are at in the relationship. Basically, if you are debating telling someone that you love them, check this out first.
Interests: How To Tell Someone You Love Them
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stefan marius is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 9, 2016