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I understood it the way that the boy felt like a thief—felt as guilty as if he had stolen the money—because he had opened a box that, in retrospect, he realized he shouldn’t have peeked into. I’m not sure whether other people would feel that way in such a situation, but I can empathize with the boy.
For Writers: Letting Go When It Doesn't Work
For the next few weeks, I’ll be on the other side of the desk, at least in my off hours: my children’s novel is back from the copyeditor.* So far, I’m delighted with her work. After scanning the first few pages of her tracked changes, I’m confident that I’ll be able to click on “Accept All” and ...
What about discussing style guides, and interesting and contentious issues of usage?
I’m thinking of such things as “whiches” that introduce restrictive relative clauses; whether to resist the “which hunt” pun even if both interlocutors are wine-whine merged; whether to spell “wine-whine merger” with an en dash; the uses of the semicolon; logical punctuation (regarding punctuation following quotations); the quotation dash; the typography of ellipsis points; the perks of ISO 8601; etc.
How to Talk to a Copyeditor
Do you often find yourself at a party where the person making introductions is unaware of the etiquette whereby you mention a likely mutual interest such as “Carol also has a garden,” or “Carol also has a rotator cuff injury,” or “Carol also loves to watch really bad movies,” and instead says, “...
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Nov 3, 2010
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