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Peace on Earth
'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God won't protect you
Interests: shopping, making money, cooking, reading, writing, baking, traveling, making jewelry
Recent Activity
The beauty of the world is it's difference; it is the ignorance and arrogance of man that makes the world unsafe.
A World of Albino Animals
By OBERT MADONDO Albinism - a condition caused by various gene mutations that affect the production of normal pigmentation - is not confined to humans. I picked this beautiful photo from a bunch on ABC's slideshow Albino Animals: Ghosts of the Wild. Frankly, I didn't like the title. It suggests...
DIVA is now following Obert Madondo
Sep 22, 2009
DIVA is now following Sweetney
Sep 22, 2009
DIVA is now following Denise Wakeman
Sep 22, 2009
DIVA is now following SouleMama
Sep 22, 2009
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