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Tenny Kusuma
Recent Activity
When is the challenge due? THKS
A challenge and a winner
Hi everyone, it is me Amy!! Happy National Scrapbooking Day! Hope you are all having a great weekend so far! I have a little challenge for you all today, and I hope you will join me in it cause I had a ton of fun making it for you all! One Cosmo Cricket product that more often than not goes unto...
This is just creatively genius. Cute. TFS. Happy NSD
sassafras blog hop!
hi all, and a happy national scrapbook day to you :-) hope you're enjoying all the yuminess along the way from the talented sassafras designers. for my stop on the blog hop, i'm sharing a little tag book i made called "numbers" though i don't have tiny kiddos anymore that would need to use...
Tenny Kusuma is now following Clear Scraps
Feb 18, 2011
Tenny Kusuma is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 18, 2011
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