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Terri Williams
Recent Activity
Beautiful! The sky blue beads are a perfect accent! Big Squishy Hugs!
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2018 on mounting embroidery on stitched paper at Karen Ruane
Such beautiful work!
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2018 on still on an artist book theme... at Karen Ruane
That tiny touch of color with the beads is just beautiful! It's just enough to add a little pop to the piece. Your work is so lovely! Thanks for not just sharing, but teaching how to add amazing embellishments to our sewing projects. Big Squishy Hugs!
Toggle Commented Aug 20, 2018 on four pieces at Karen Ruane
Thank you for your quick response to my concern about pulling on the loops. You made me laugh with your logic. And, I needed that laugh today. Thank you again for sharing all your beautiful fabric/sewing arts with us! Big Squishy Hugs!
Toggle Commented Aug 16, 2018 on a little follow up at Karen Ruane
That is a very beautiful stitch! Is there a way to secure the loops so if one were "pulled" it wouldn't mess up the design? I know it would be an easy fix to straighten the design and even out the loops once again. I'm asking because I tend to be a klutz and get all tangled up in my threads. I can see myself finishing a project using this stitch and then hooking a loop on one of my rings and boogering the entire thing up. I appreciate your sharing your beautiful art with us and teaching us new ways to embellish so many of our projects! Thanks!
Toggle Commented Aug 15, 2018 on Guilloche stitch at Karen Ruane
Your work always amazes me! Your fabric art is so beautiful and inspires me in so many ways! Thank you so much for sharing your art with us! Big Squishy Hugs!
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2018 on whites and little ball buttons at Karen Ruane
Always a delight to visit your site and see all the beautiful works of art you create! Sending you Big Squishy Hugs and Blessings for the New Year!
Toggle Commented Dec 21, 2017 on samples and pages at Karen Ruane
Your work is so beautiful. So inspiring and makes me want to start doing some sewing. But, right now, I'm a bit busy getting caught up on other art swap projects. LOL! Perhaps I'll start nagging my daughter to do some sewing for me. Hee hee hee! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful works of fabric art! Hugs!
Toggle Commented May 10, 2013 on yesterday..... at Karen Ruane
How beautiful! I've never been disatisfied with any product I've ordered through Red Lead. Hugs Terri N-W
1 reply
Put it on my blog at: tried to do the facebook share thing but it didn't seem to work. Will try again later. Hugs!
1 reply
Your products are amazing! I love the whimsy and the creativity. Going now to post the photo on my blog and a link to this site!
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Terri Williams is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 2, 2009