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The Netherlands
Little Hilton
Interests: Paris Hilton, Music, Animals
Recent Activity
Hi Paris! How are you? We are Mera and Tim and we are siblings. We live in The Netherlands and think so much about you. We love everything about you.Your style, your televisionprograms, your music, but most of all your... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Hi Paris! How are you? We are Mera and Tim and we are siblings. We live in The Netherlands and think so much about you. We love everything about you.Your style, your televisionprograms, your music, but most of all your sweetness and lovelyness. A few weeks ago you were in The Netherlands, but we weren't able to see you. Since you are back in Europe, we hope you visit The Netherlands. If you do, we hope you want to meet us. This is our biggest (Christmas) wish. Please think about it, you'll make us so happy, Paris! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Much love, Mera & Tim
Hi Paris! How are you? We are Mera and Tim and we are siblings. We live in The Netherlands and think so much about you. We love everything about you.Your style, your televisionprograms, your music, but most of all your... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Hi Paris! How are you? We are Mera and Tim and we are siblings. We live in The Netherlands and think so much about you. We love everything about you.Your style, your televisionprograms, your music, but most of all your sweetness and lovelyness. A few weeks ago you were in The Netherlands, but we weren't able to see you. Since you are back in Europe, we hope you visit The Netherlands. If you do, we hope you want to meet us. This is our biggest (Christmas) wish. Please think about it, you'll make us so happy, Paris! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Much love, Mera & Tim
Hi Paris! How are you? We are Mera and Tim and we are siblings. We live in The Netherlands and think so much about you. We love everything about you.Your style, your televisionprograms, your music, but most of all your sweetness and lovelyness. A few weeks ago you were in The Netherlands, but we weren't able to see you. Since you are back in Europe, we hope you visit The Netherlands. If you do, we hope you want to meet us. This is our biggest (Christmas) wish. Please think about it, you'll make us so happy, Paris! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Much love, Mera & Tim
Hi Paris! How are you? We are Mera and Tim and we are siblings. We live in The Netherlands and think so much about you. We love everything about you.Your style, your televisionprograms, your music, but most of all your sweetness and lovelyness. A few weeks ago you were in The Netherlands, but we weren't able to see you. Since you are back in Europe, we hope you visit The Netherlands. If you do, we hope you want to meet us. This is our biggest (Christmas) wish. Please think about it, you'll make us so happy, Paris! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Much love, Mera & Tim
Posted Dec 17, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Tfvankoesveld is now following Paris Hilton
Dec 17, 2011
Tfvankoesveld is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 17, 2011