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First thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, you are a beautiful soul inside and out.
I know I have two life’s one where I’m this responsible adult working, paying the bills, taking care of the house and then this wild girl who love to travel, to see new places and meet new people.
Last year I was fortune enough to have a job that was really well paid, this gave me the opportunity to take a trip to London and later, a trip to New York, a trip that I have wanted to take for years. To walk around in that city was amazing and to meet some new found friends was just as amazing. I went home just to return to the US 16 days later, this time to Philadelphia, Atlantic City and New Jersey, this was a 4 day hit and run trip, but driving from one place to the next together with my friends gave me this fantastic feeling of total freedom.
I don’t own a car, I don’t even have a driving license, but to jump on a airplane, a train or even my bicycle is freedom for my, to travel is freedom, to see new places is freedom, to love is freedom. I hope when my day come I will remember all of my trips and feel the joy and freedom that they gave me
My Black Magic Blog
"I'll wait for you in the back of your car. Let's find out who you really are." Lyrics from my song Back of your Car say a lot about the romanticism of our relationship with cars. When I was feeling mischievous and tough, I wrote these words living in a world that was about to end. Where would y...
ThatGirlDLC is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 27, 2010
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