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SBG (skinnybrowngirl)
Philadelphia, PA
It don't take a whole day to recognize sunshine...
Interests: writing, art, fashion, fine art, street art,music
Recent Activity
Blazer: H&M * Jumpsuit: Forever 21 * Purse: Target * Earrings/Shoes: ALDO * Belt: BCBGMaxazria Watch: Michael Kors Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2013 at CurlsandClothes
Dress: H&M * Shoes and Earrings: ALDO * Watch: Michael Kors * Sunnies: GUCCI * Earrings: ALDO Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2013 at CurlsandClothes
Jacket: Urban Outfitters * Skirt: Nordstrom Rack * Bag: FENDI * Bracelet: Forever21 * Earrings: ALDO * Sunnies: CHANEL * T-Shirt Kings Rule Together Amani wanted in on todays extravaganzas...I haven't given you a "Meow or Two" in a long heres a dose of the true young Queen... haha! Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2013 at CurlsandClothes
Jacket: Urban Outfitters * Skirt: Nordstrom Rack * Bag: FENDI * Bracelet: Forever21 * Earrings: ALDO * Lip: NARS, Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Cruella * T-Shirt Kings Rule Together Its no secret... I'm a straight up Curlbox FAN! Once a month the great folks over at Curlbox...lovingly deemed the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2013 at CurlsandClothes
To this day, it still surprises me when random strangers stop to ask questions about my hair. "How do you get your hair like that?"..."What products do you use?"..."Where can I get those products?"... ...and while I'm surprised, I'm still elated to hear these questions. I love "hair talk," especially... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2013 at CurlsandClothes
photo via Whether you just began the transitional process of growing out your relaxer, recently big chopped, or you've had natural hair for a's hard enough at times for us to learn how to maintain and understand our own new locs... trying to get a significant other on... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2013 at CurlsandClothes
SBG (skinnybrowngirl) added a favorite at STYLE SKINNY
Aug 9, 2013
5 Ways to Get your Man to Understand and Appreciate your Natural Hair Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
photo via I’m an avid reader, so when I heard about the "Well Read Woman" instagram challenge from Curlbox creator, Myleik Teele, I definitely wanted to get in on the action. The challenge was to read one book within 7 days and to share with other challenge participants funny moments, great quotes, or bits of the book that affected you. When I picked "Revenge Wears Prada" as my choice, I knew I was in for some good info to share. Boy, was I completely wrong. I remember the novel's, Prequel "The Devil Wears Prada" as being pretty good. If... Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
I wish I knew this blogger personally so I could potentially raid her closet and never have to search for anything fantastic again. I'd have an entire perfectly sorted wardrobe...or 'pantry', at my fingertips. I love pretty much everything she features, especially her classic mix of Denim, Tees/Blouses, and Heels. Below I've pictured a few of my favorite looks. For more Style Pantry go HERE. Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
SBG (skinnybrowngirl) added a favorite at STYLE SKINNY
Jul 24, 2013
Ever since I purchased Emily Schuman's (of Cupcakes and Cashmere) book, I've wanted to try out this "Very Berry Pie with the Perfect Piecrust" Recipe. The funny thing is, I don’t like fruit pie all that much. If anything, I'd just prefer a bowl of the crust. Reggie, on the other hand LOVES it.... not ironically, Reggie Berry loves berries (and anything containing them.) and it looked so pretty in the book, I knew I had to take a crack at it. So, on a random Sunday afternoon, I gathered all of the necessities and got to baking. It was... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
Photo from Hudson's '13 Lookbook feat.: Nico Mid-Rise Super Skinny-London Print What is my body type like? I can describe it in three words "gangly", fairly "skinny", "boobs" Ok... well technically I suppose that was four words. But either way, I apologize if the "boobs" comment offended you. I'm just keeping it real. What I'd really like to point out is the fact that, "amazingly shaped butt" is not in the word description portion. Now, while I wouldn't call it "flat" per say, the back/bottom portion of me still isn't anything to write home about. ...and I know, SQUATS SQUATS... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
I once read a quote that said, "If a woman loves a man, If she really loves him, she will follow him...even into a mud hut." I've always loved this quote, as it shows how to measure the validity of ones love, in a simple, almost poetic form. Not that love needs to be measured, but too often, the concept of being in a relationship with someone because of their money and/or status is all too real. A woman will date a man, as will a man date a woman, purely based on their potentional to give them something that... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
Dress: H&M * Shoes and Earrings: ALDO * Watch: Michael Kors * Sunnies: GUCCI * Earrings: ALDO Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
Thank you so much for the support! Im genuinly so excited that you're reading and sharing the process of growth! Excited for what is to come in. :)
Yes! So funny, It reminds me a little of that too. ...and I learned a lot from the different women there as well, some things I tried as soon as I got home... Some ended up working great, while others were a flop. but I agree... the fun for me is exploring and learning what works and what doesn't work. The journey is the fun part :)
To this day, it still surprises me when random strangers stop to ask questions about my hair. "How do you get your hair like that?"..."What products do you use?"..."Where can I get those products?"... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
Its no secret... I'm a straight up Curlbox FAN! Once a month the great folks over at Curlbox...lovingly deemed the "CurlBoxCrew," mail myself (and loads of others) a box of full sized hair product, samples of products, and a variety of other fun hair treats, all geared towards those with curls, koils, and kinks. Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
Jacket: Urban Outfitters * Skirt: Nordstrom Rack * Bag: FENDI * Bracelet: Forever21 * Earrings: ALDO * Sunnies: CHANEL * T-Shirt Kings Rule Together Amani wanted in on todays extravaganzas...I haven't given you a "Meow or Two" in a long heres a dose of the true young Queen... haha! Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
Blazer: H&M * Jumpsuit: Forever 21 * Purse: Target * Earrings/Shoes: ALDO * Belt: BCBGMaxazria Watch: Michael Kors Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
As soon as the clock struck 12 and 2013 was ushered in, God started throwing interesting situations and experiences at me- one after another. Within a 4+ month span, I experienced unexpected and expected death, birth, loss of friendship, gain of new friendships, changes in my job, my relationship... If you can think of it, I experienced it... twice or more times in some categories. ...and honestly, I'd be fibbing if I acted as if I just accepted each event or occurrence with open arms and honest gratitude. I certainly did none of the before mentioned at first. When you're... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2013 at STYLE SKINNY
Thank you Pastor Kev... YOU have inspired ME! ...and many more! Thank you again. :)
SBG (skinnybrowngirl) added a favorite at STYLE SKINNY
May 10, 2013
Hey Alis, Absolutely no negative energy from you!...and I'm in total agreeance that many times people make fun of others because of their own secret internal self esteem issues... It is sad though, and something that needs to be looked at and delt with. In the mean time, keep thinking about your 'problem' and let me know what you come up with. love you, Joe, and Baby Char!:)