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Donavan Hall
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It's worth a trip. At the moment they have a couple of Limited Releases from Blue Point, a White IPA (think Belgian Wit crossed with an IPA), and a Black IPA. Cheers!
Michael- The Long Island Ale House is a fine place. I certainly wouldn't criticize a zebra for its stripes. I should have stated explicitly in the article that there is a craft beer hierarchy within the sports bar category. LIAH would be my choice over Grumpy Jack's (or any of a host of similar places) for game day, hands down. I'm working on an article about Tap & Barrel where I'll discuss further what a craft beer geek expects out of a craft beer destination. LIAH might not be interested in being a craft beer destination. You mention DEKS. While DEKS is a craft beer destination, it's not a local craft beer destination. Rarely do Long Island brewed beers make an appearance at DEKS. This might be due to the fact that DEKS has only 15 taps to work with. So LIAH is actually doing something better than DEKS, which is to provide a good selection of locally brewed beer. That actually is more important to me than seeing the hottest California, Oregon, and Colorado beers. More on this in my Tap & Barrel article. Cheers!
Good points all. Yes, I do commend them for providing a nice selection of beers, especially the local beers. I have two recommendations for Long Island Ale House which would go a long way to mitigate my ambivalence: (1) don't bring my Long Island brewed craft beer to my table in a frozen glass, and (2) sell the local angle better. The frozen glass thing is a peeve of mine. Freezing is the wrong temperature for craft beer and detracts from my enjoyment of the beer. The second is less serious. But, I'd really get behind a place that said "We're Long Island's Ale House and we serve Long Island brewed beer and if you don't like it, you can go next door." Of course, running a bar is business and not an ideology, so I can understand them wanting to cover all the bases with some questionable tap offerings.
Oh, one more thing. This "double" white is getting less doublish over the years. When the Double White was part of Southampton's Reserve Series, the ABV was up at 7.2%.
This is a nice one. I wish it were a touch drier, but I guess it is a "double" so... I used to see it on draft more often, but (at least in my area) it's been squeezed out by less local offerings. Although, BP, GSB, and LI are on tap all over. I wonder why Southampton isn't grabbing as many taps as the other locals? (Actually, I do have a few guesses about that.)
Tell you what, I'll do a piece on the new BP line, but give me a bit. I want to do it right. The skinny is that you'll see BP beers in 22 oz packaging now. Not much on the consumer end, but there's a lot below the surface. Oh yes, the Big Gal Upstairs drinks craft beer. Craft beer is how I know She loves me and wants me to be happy.
Dan- Cool. The BP Toasted Lager is an excellent intro beer for the BMC crowd. Have you tried any in the new 22oz bottles? They are brewed locally and bottled with the new bottling line. Just curious if anyone notices a difference. Of course, there's a new brewing system too and that I believe has made some taste improvements across the board. Cheers!