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First,'re little girl is a heartbreaker! Congrats on the 100th post! Love reading your posts, chock full of greatness every time. Our favorite vacations are the ones we take with no one but the 3 of us. Discovering someplace new, or somewhere we've been before that causes us to remember the fun times we had last time. (whether it was fun or not).
Toggle Commented Jan 25, 2012 on "Love you, Texas..." at Family Wilds
The hat is so amazing that I might have to commission my wife to make one for me, in more manly colors of course. The park looks like a terrific place to be and I won't even mention my extreme jealousy of your food choices.
That is a whole lot of adventure packed into a one year time frame. Looks like you had a terrific year, looking forward to reading about your 2012 adventures!
I had the same frustration when my son (age 5) started to climb and then promptly jumped off the holds about two feet up because he was scared he was going too high! We climb at our fitness club and thankfully with our little man being of the age he is they have a program where he can climb, learn to tie knots, be taught safety, and have loads of fun playing games while the wife and I workout. This precedes the open climbing time and with their auto-belays he can climb and slowly descend as much as he wants. I've found that taking him out on hikes and letting him 'boulder' on whatever he finds (including climbing trees) has helped him to discover his love and natural child affinity to climbing whatever he can. Great post, certainly loving your blog!
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Nov 9, 2011