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Brad (The Chatterbox)
Mansfield, Ohio
Interests: Traveling, Movies, Music, Video Games, Toys, Comics, Cartoons, Overgrown kid stuff :D
Recent Activity
Have you ever sat down to watch a classic Christmas movie and think to yourself "I wish I could visit a place like that?" Cambridge, Ohio is that place! The entire downtown area in Guernsey County is decked out for Christmas in a Charles Dickens-themed display. Where is this display? The whole town! As you travel near the Guernsey County Courthouse, you'll notice that every lightpost, streetcorner and business window has a special scene set up to look like it came right out of a Charles Dickens classic... not to mention, the Christmas Lights everywhere! The idea for the Dickens-inspired... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2011 at DiscoveringOhio
There are many activities to participate in during the month of October with all of the Halloween festivities, but one of my absolute favorites would have to be checking out the latest and greatest haunted attraction. I have two that I've favored for a few years with one new discovery I would like to share. 1. The Factory of Terror -- Canton ( The fact that this haunt holds the world record in The Guinness Book Of World Records for Longest Haunted House is reason enough to give it a look. Usually, when something is advertised to be MASSIVE or... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2011 at DiscoveringOhio
Thanks Vicky! Hopefully I'll see you there! If you can't find me, just look for my kid with neon white-glowing hair. :D
September is officially here! For some, it means cooler temperatures and a prelude to winter. For my family, it means that the Bellville Street Fair is around the corner - Sept. 14-17! Some of the things I enjoyed about "The World's Fair" when I was a little Chatterbox, I still enjoy today. The food has got to be one of the first things we think of when we're on our way. As nutty as we are, we start mapping out what stand we want to hit up first. Our first stop is typically at the steak on a stick covered... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2011 at DiscoveringOhio
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Sep 11, 2011