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That's great you are both lucky and good!
Mostly good...Keep it up!
I'll look for it on the podcast I am confident you will be selected.
I won The Moth StorySlam last night, and I still can’t believe it.
Yesterday was one of those days that I will never forget. Last night I had the honor of telling a story at one of The Moth’s StorySlams at The Nuyorican Poets Café in the Lower Eat Side. My goal was to simply be chosen to tell my story, but at the end of the night, I was fortunate enough to be...
I must say I've never met a gay man I did't like.
Plus as proud mama of an openly gay son I can say it with even greater conviction. Side walk sale? I'm so going to use that line. Great story!
When I was in college I had two gay friends named Jim and Andy. But we weren't always friends. My sophomore year Andy was friends with a bunch of girls in my suite. He and I HATED each other. He was an uptight prick with a militant liberal agenda. Remember that I was a Republican. I spent se...
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Aug 25, 2010
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