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very cool... ( im back to catching up on your blog ;-) )
Page 4
Page four of the "Quaker Virtues" sampler. There are nine pages in the chart, and with this I've done six of them. The middle runs through the lower part of the R in INTEGRITY, so I'm actually well over halfway through -- that seems hard to believe, although I must add that it is still a del...
That is AWESOME!
Drop Everything (Again)
When David mentioned the other day that a co-worker is retiring and they have been wracking their brains trying to think of something to give him, and that his name is quite like a certain Doctor's, to the point that they even call him that at work, it seemed to me that the obvious gift would ...
You can't go wrong with the Monkees ;-)
Twelve Days of Christmas Carols
Well, I was all set to post a version of this song by The Boston Camerata, really one of my all-time favorites, but how could I resist The Monkees?! It's like, "hey, guys, let's get together and sing Christmas carols!"
Road trips are always awesome.I may have to follow this route sometime...
Road Trip: Pacific Coast Highway
We decided this year to take another summer road trip, this time a shortish one up to Northern California along Pacific Coast Highway, the main destinations being Hearst Castle and the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We left not too early on Sunday morning, and stopped in Solvang for lunch, having a ve...
Thedavidbeach is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 11, 2015
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