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Sweet! I was listening to "I Think I Knew" just the other day. It is available as a free download via the Pitchfork/Soundcloud link:
If you're in the UK, you can watch via Lovefilm Instant: [Or if you want to pretend to be American/avoid the silverlight plugin, use a chrome extension like hola or media hint and watch the Amazon versions.]
Pretty much agreed with everything you've said. The Walking Dead has to be one of the best shows in years. I really enjoyed The Returned too. It'll be interesting to see what they do with the soundtrack in season two. It plays such a big part in creating the atmosphere. Definitely one of my favourite albums of the year, great for the early morning/late night commuting - fellow passengers/possible returned. I struggled to make it through the first episode of Dracula and then swore a blood oath never to watch it again. I liked the idea behind Hannibal. I watched the final series of Dexter because Sarah (I refuse to call her Hannah) returned. The last scene was about the only thing that worked for me. Spoiler: contains a good beard. I missed the first series of Grimm, but got it on offer via Google Play, it is watchable but not compelling. The true horror is Google Play! I don't know who purchases non-downloadable, stream-only stuff - at the same price as blu ray. Vampire Diaries is truly the most horrific television programme ever produced. The thought of it makes me want to gouge my eyes out to ensure I never catch a glimpse of it again. Teenage angst vampires.
Culturally insensitive write-up! The UK is in disarray because of the recent 'horsemeat in the beef products' scandal.
I tried supporting the Kickstarter campaign, I want to go to the London screening, but the deadline for payment was the week before pay day and I was flat broke. Gutted (my story of woe).
The only people I know using Google+ on regular basis are photographers. New Flickr, etc. I can't find many bands on there and the political discussion is pretty limited. Sort out a hangout time for this weekend? Good to know all games/downloads are restored to new PS3. Still haven't got around to picking up a new one since the last one flooded by beer spillage.
I'm looking forward to see Father John Misty at some point in November. One of the few gigs I'll have been to this year. Only one festival this year too (and it wasn't the Green Man). Sad times. Don't even get me started on my knee pain.
Also apparently you can now pay a fee to opted out of adverts.
Toggle Commented Oct 13, 2012 on Kindle Fire HD, will you get one? at W♥M (Archive)
My bad, you're right,it is available in the UK. Finding Amazon Cloud Player (recently released in the UK) to be very useful. Really liking my Google Nexus 7, though.
Toggle Commented Oct 13, 2012 on Kindle Fire HD, will you get one? at W♥M (Archive)
It is a great album. The first listen left me a little depressed but once I got through the darkness of it all, I found it to be a brilliant collection of tunes. I think it is their best album for a while.
I'd also include Mountain Man in this little collection. They're a lovely little group on Bella Union label. I saw them on End Of The Road. Saw Francois & The Atlas Mountains the following day too. They have a real trancey song coming out soon, but I cannot remember the name.
Toggle Commented Sep 8, 2012 on Mountain Music at W♥M (Archive)
I don't think this version is available in the UK. Either way the adverts would drive me crazy.
Dirty Projectors' album is available via Domino's project - - it is worth checking out for $9.99 (£6.99) a month you get two Domino albums plus lots of extras along the way.
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2012 on PROS at W♥M (Archive)
Love Portland Cello Project! Didn't know they have a new album out. I'll check it out.
I love the 'world beat' stuff! Just reading through it all. Talking about the world's beats, the Guardian Music Blog runs this monthly download - - Definitely worth checking it out.
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2012 on World Beat 2 at W♥M (Archive)
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Mar 16, 2012
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