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LOVE THIS! I saw a news story on CBS Sunday Morning a month or two ago, and the story was about kids with cancer and their beads! They got a different, special bead for each treatment, exam, etc. It was a way to trace their own experience with cancer by building their strings of beads. Some had beaded necklaces as big as Mr. T's gold necklaces! It truly brought tears to my eyes when they interviewed the kids about what their beads meant to them and how they could recall each experience through each bead. One even had a necklace so big that it was too heavy for him to wear, so his Mom or Dad wore it for him. It truly was a modern day bagde of courgar for these kids... and their parents. XO
Thinking Beads
When I'm not able to go to the Hot Glass Studio, I do flame work at home. I've created my own arts & craft cottage - my playhouse - my private thinking place. So, I suppose it's rather fitting that I've taken to making "thinking beads." My husband is from the Middle East...Israel, to be exact...
Wow! I am working up to this skill level. For now I am sticking to the crochet for scarf and hat projects. I hope to start up my old Datura line for extra income. You inspire me to follow through with the idea. :)
This project follows me around the world like an eager, loyal puppy. When all the pieces are finally knitted, it will be a long- sleeved, woman's sweater, fashioned from a soft cashmere wool that I bought several years ago. It will be a gift for someone special. I am getting close to the most di...
Theeners is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 28, 2011
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