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I would like to take your photo.
Interests: Blogging. Photography.
Recent Activity
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? Mormons and those door to door magazine salesmen. They are both really good at starting unwanted conversations and I always get stuck. If you could create the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? First dates. If you could create the perfect superhero… absurd or crazy… what would it be? Superheroes are much more interesting when they're imperfect, I think. But... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? When I have a final and know nothing going into it. If you could create the perfect superhero… absurd or crazy… what would it be? Kind of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? Public speaking. And by 'public', I mean any group of more than three people. If you could create the perfect superhero… absurd or crazy… what would it... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? Public speaking. I’m the face of the company that I own and I have big shoes to fill. If I don’t go to work its not just... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? Talking to people. I get really nervous and sometimes I have to fake it... I guess talking to thousands of people. If you could create the perfect... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? First dates anddd... piano recitals. And sometimes second dates, too. If you could create the perfect superhero… absurd or crazy… what would it be? A time traveler... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? Flying maybe... no, actually parachuting is number one. If you could create the perfect superhero… absurd or crazy… what would it be? I think my superhero would... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? Anyone I have to talk to that I don’t know on the telephone. I get nervous but not nail bitingly nervous... I quit biting my nails a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? Awkward silences. If you could create the perfect superhero… absurd or crazy… what would it be? Something really lame that doesn’t serve any helpfulness for humanity. They... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? When I get into situations where other people have to judge if I’m doing a good job or not. Those situations are very stressful. If you could... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? Massive lines of customers at work with everyones eyes all staring deep into my soul saying "hurry the fuawk up" telepathically. If you could create the perfect... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? Being alive. If you could create the perfect superhero… absurd or crazy… what would it be? F@#$ your heros. If you could be any movie or TV... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
Is there anything out there that makes you ridiculously nervous to the point where your cuticles are bleeding from chewing off your nails? This really good looking guy at the gym. If you could create the perfect superhero… absurd or crazy… what would it be? A sex goddess super hero.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2011 at The Homo Sapien
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