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Interests: music, blogs, fashion, magazines, reading, writing, politics, shoes, 40s, pageants, 50s, tpf, kardashians, tfs
Recent Activity
TheLabelQueen is now following bryanboy
May 17, 2010
So what are you doing today? Waiting for your flight in the hotel? Come to the city of Amsterdam Bryan! Have some fun with you Dutch followers :P lol I'll be there later this afternoon with a friend. Maybe we can find you some Dutch hotties
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport CLOSED Due to Ash Cloud
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport CLOSED Due to Ash Cloud My worst nightmare came true. Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is closed today, Monday, from 6AM until 2PM. I have a flight that should leave later today. My flight hasn't been canceled, yet, as of the time I posted this entry. I have my fingers, leg...
TheLabelQueen is now following The Typepad Team
May 17, 2010
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