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The Living Boy
Austin, TX
See what happens when a mild mannered man is ruthlessly subjected to reality.
Interests: thai food, modern design, showtunes, law & order, final fantasy, wikipedia, zombie movies, gay porn, stand-up comedy, disappointing jesus
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Mar 15, 2010
Last week, A--- asked if it was ever okay to pose questions to me about my personal beliefs. Of course, I said "Absolutely!" In fact, when I get excited about a subject in which a friend doesn't agree with or is even upset by, I cannot fathom that they would just make the topic out of bounds instead of debating.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2010 at The Living Boy
Talk to my husband? Dang. He'd just want me to share.
Toggle Commented Feb 12, 2010 on Scenario... at Rantings of a Creole Princess
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I'm saying Clinton. In three years, I hope to say Obama. I am not so enamored at this point.
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2010 on Mr. President Sir! at Rantings of a Creole Princess
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"Their own delivery people" is an extreme rarity. I honestly don't know of any, though I am sure they are around. Now, some stores I know of have their own delivery TRUCKS...
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$600 for an entire living room set? Of course it's gonna fall apart. Or even worse, it never falls apart, but your ass is sore after 10 minutes whenever you sit down.
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Nah, if a speedfreak is gonna come at you, you know it's coming. Teenagers are smart. Teenagers they sneak up on ya. Austin is tricky. The fresh faced teens are the crackhead's kids. Sure, that $30 is going towards college, and your car might drive him there.
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No question, I'm going with the crackhead too. Do I want some punk kid in front of my house all damn day, or some punk punk for ten minutes when no one will see him? I save twenty bucks, dude gets a rock and a burger, and I pull out of my driveway in the morning, free and clear. Kid shouldn't be out in the cold anyway. Get his tender azz into a grocery store or Wendy's. Get all the crackheads in there back out to mowing my lawn.
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Jennifer Convertibles, Rooms2Go, Room Service, etc. You're going to get these delivery shenanigans from all of them. Even service from upscale stores falls apart pretty quickly in the hands of deliverers. Usually, it is a third party company, even when they are claimed to be in-house professionals. Also, the third party may often contract a fourth party. From loading dock to front door, I have seen as many as four different companies involved in shipping and delivery. I managed a store in DC and as much as a third of my day might be spent tracking down furniture and the freakshow carrying the delivery. Considering the storm, no one will take responsibility for their screw up. I always suggest to clients, no matter what ANYONE tells you. Be at the location from 30 minutes before the delivery window until the items are delivered. Unless "in-home" or "white glove" delivery is specified, have enough people on hand to carry the furniture. I've heard of people getting stuck with curbside service, with an extra charge to operate the lift gate on the truck, just to lower the crap to ground level.
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Oh, answer the question. No, I don't unfriend, but I send every single news article and special report on Cash For Gold scams. There are plenty, so they'll unfriend me instead. The Scientologists would call me a "Suppressive Person."
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I wish I got invitations for shit like this that I could just say no to. I get PHONE CALLS from one friend in particular. Not even a friend, the PARTNER OF A FRIEND. He calls me at, like, once a month to invite me to his network-marketing get-rich-quick pyramid-party! What really pisses me off is that he doesn't NEED to get rich quick. He's allowed to keep going with it because they can afford to dump the money into the scam.
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1. Empty water bottle 2. Dripping soap dispenser 3. Lack of reflection reveals that you're a vampire
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See, herein lies the problem... If I were Mr. Cyrus, I would NOT be fearful for my daughter. She is promoting a business venture with [disturingly] real economic potential. No, my daughter, the young businesswoman, will be just fine. I'm not seeing that the security of HIS daughter has slipped his mind.
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Monnie. Darling. These children are POLE.DANCING. Maybe I am reaching... about six months into the future at most.
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Buy two now and get a FREE WEBCAM! Teach the little slut that, with hard-work, maybe she can be a whore.
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That's right. Underroos are HOT! Hahahah! Actually, there is a underwear line (for adults) called Ginch Gonch. It's really all I buy anymore, as far as underwear goes.
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I don't like any melon at all. Won't eat them. If I am invited to an event where fruit is served, I do calculate the melon to edible-food ratio. My opinions of the hosts are adjusted accordingly.
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2010 on Question... at Rantings of a Creole Princess
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Today, I took down my christmas lights... from 2008.
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CBS makes a defense that's ad is "entirely commercial," as opposed to anti-woman propaganda. Incidentally, in the past CBS has approved of the 2003 Miller Lite commercial where two WOMEN fight, and then proceed to make-out. But, that's SEX-AY!
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I do, however, oppose the notion that even a repressed homosexual would decorate his apartment with stolen traffic signs, or make out with a mouth full of trans fats.
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That's not why they don't like me.
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Damn. You all beat me to the outrage. I need to quit this "have a life" crap and stay glued to! The Living Boy grants full permission for the use of the preceding statement for promotional material and advertising.
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I can see the Courtney Cox.
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Vanessa! Look out! There's hedgehogs after you! Run!
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I've been busy, so I am just getting around to responding to this... I apologize, Ms. User. "The concept of a common energy source is not just a spiritual belief but is backed by scientific research. Praying is simply communicating with that higher energy." There have been plenty of studies of the effect of prayer, but the number of studies that are monitored and controlled enough to be statistically relevant are very few. So, I request that you please show your work. Which studies? What experiments were conducted? Who conducted them? Who funded the work? What were the statistic outcomes of this research? What is the vehicle of communication with energy? A Recent study of 1802 coronary bypass patients was conducted by Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiologist and director of the Mind/Body Medical Institute near Boston. 1/3 received prayers and were informed of that fact, 1/3 received prayers but were told they might or might not get a prayer, 1/3 received no prayers. Three congregations were asked to pray "for a successful surgery with a quick, healthy recovery and no complications." Results suggest that prayer had NO effect to the subject receiving the prayers. When patients were AWARE of their prayers, studies show that there was an increased risk (59%, as opposed to 51%) of complications. Those who were UNAWARE faced the same 51% risk of complications, but 18% of those were major complications (up from 13% in those who had no prayers at all). So, telling someone, "I'm praying for you," has an 8% chance to really fug with someone's day. I joke of course, that is all probably a result of chance and prayer had no positive or negative effect on anyone at all. A previous study of prayer on alcoholism recovery patients in New Mexico showed that awareness of prayers on a subjects behalf caused them to fare slightly worse. The more in-depth Boston study was conducted in response the New Mexico study. Now, I am not saying that prayer does not has a positive effect for someone DOING the praying, but so does yoga, meditation, or just focused daydreaming, which I certainly endorse. However, Monica can pray for me, which has an emotional benefit for her. After that, she can call an chat with me and we can both feel better.
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2010 on Question... at Rantings of a Creole Princess
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