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Great blog Emily. I enjoyed reading about your passion for working with autistic kids. They deserve caregivers like you, that are working for their best interest. Passion is what stood out, and it comes through in your words.
The Twists and Turns of Life Give us Stories by Emily Parker
As of recently, my life has taken lots of twists and turns. Some of these turns have been wonderful and some of them have been scary and frustrating. Last year I had the wonderful pleasure of attending school and not working. This was wonderful because it gave me time to focus on school, being ...
I am excited to hear your story. I can imagine your personality coming through as you bring to life your ancestors message.
Ancestral Messages by Brittany Castro
Back in the summer I originally signed up for African folktales. Then it got canceled, so I went online to see what other storytelling classes were being offered. I really wanted to take a story telling class because I enjoy them so much and I love the environment of the class room setting and ...
I like how you connected dance with kayaking, and your search in nature as a child. I often crave the outdoors as an adult, but I want to feel it the way I remember it as a kid.
What One Believes is Sacred is Sacred by Marian Giannatti
Pinned on Karma Rock: Whitewater Kayaking as Religious Experience, by A. Whitney Sanford, is a detailed look at a “lived religion;” evaluating whitewater kayaking as a spiritual, sacred encounter. The physical act of kayaking, combined with the intellectual action required for the sport is a m...
Great blog Sally. I remember hearing your story. I like the way you discuss how you had to use the same language your mother used or it wouldn't be her. I agree with Nirit. You broke it down well.
Trust, Permission, and Ownership in Personal Stories by Sally Borg
One of the readings I did for class was from Inviting the Wolf In: Thinking About Difficult Stories, by Loren Niemi and Elizabeth Ellis. They write that there are three basic principles that make up the foundation for the telling of difficult stories: trust, permission, and ownership. I consi...
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Oct 4, 2016
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